Turning 22

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Tomorrow (August 6th) is me and Roni's birthday. We're turning twenty-two. "Wow, such a big number." I think in my mind. Since Roni has been spending lots of time with this so called "boy," I wanted to make sure she'd be with the family during our birthday. She usually writes all her plans on her calendar which is on a wall in her room. So I walked over to her room and took a peek. Good, Roni wasn't in there. I ran up to her calendar to see if she had any plans on our birthday. I run my eyes across the page and stop when I see "August 6th" I look at the blank white space under it. I took a breathe of relief after realizing she had no plans written down for that day.


Sorry about the super super short chapter. I just haven't had much inspiration to write but I will try to put a new chapter up every other day. :)

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