Killing Floor - chapter 3

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Author's notes: More slow burn, dead ahead. I truly appreciate every read, star, and comment! You guys are the best! Enjoy chapter 3 of 7.

Killing Floor Chapter 3

Sometime between last night and this morning you had completely lost your sweater, so you were rustling through the hotel nightstand looking for something of Jimmy's that might fit you. You tossed around a pair of jeans, a hairbrush, and a lighter, until you finally found a shirt. You put it on and stood in front of the dresser mirror to pull it over your hips, but stopped to look at it closely. It was a red tee with the Hindenburg in black ink, brand new.

You hear the shower water stop. You knock on the bathroom door and you hear "come in" from the other side.

"Hey, I'm gonna go," you said as you cracked the door slightly. "I uh, I can't find my top. Is it ok if I wear this?" You pulled at the shirt so he would see the design.

"Sure," he replied sweetly. "It suits you." He leaned in to kiss you goodbye.

You hummed your thanks in the middle of the kiss and said bye. On your way out of the hotel to grab some coffee you run into Dean, who had just come from a different hotel, judging by his bed head and walk of shame night-before outfit. You raise your eyebrows and he stops in his tracks, looking a bit nervous that you caught him. Stifling a laugh, you let him follow you to the cafe. "I figured out where you got your Zeppelin shirt," you explained, "you got it from me."

"Who got it from Pagey," Dean teased, noticing the red shirt sticking out from under your coat.

The cafe was warm inside, but that wasn't stopping you from getting coffee. Winter in the Northeast was brutal. You suggested to Dean after you sat down, "I was thinking we could visit around town, see the wonders of Boston."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"Happy birthday by the way... ten years early."

He thought for a moment. "That's kinda weird."

"Yeah, it kinda is," you agreed. "I never got the chance to ask how you enjoyed last night."

Dean was in the middle of a sip, but had a mouthful to say once he set down his coffee. "Y/N, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen! It's like a dream come true. And we're here all weekend? Best concert ever." He contemplated for a moment while holding his cup to keep his hands warm.. "Was it good for you?"

Honestly, you couldn't tell who was having more fun, you or him. His reaction to this whole trip made it worth it, but you'd be lying if you said you weren't enjoying it, too. "Great!" you replied.

"And the concert, too?" he smirked as he raised his cup to his mouth.

"Oh get out!" you yelled as you threw a balled up napkin at him. He flinched as the napkin hit him in the face and he wiggled his eyebrows like he did right before you disappeared with Jimmy last night. "Let's get back to the hotel. I need a shower."

"Heh," he chuckled under his breath as you both stood up to leave. He braced himself to be pelted with another napkin.

It came. "Dean!"

"What, sweetheart?" he asked innocently, holding the door for you.

You kept quiet the rest of the walk to the hotel room. Before you could pick out clothes and lock him out of the bathroom, he had gathered his toothbrush and toothpaste and was taking his sweet time being in your way. You tried shoving him out but he was like solid steel. With a heavy sigh you stepped into the shower and mulled over the new nickname as you took your clothes off behind the shower curtain. You threw your clothes onto the bathroom floor and turned the water on after he finally left.

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