Killing Floor - chapter 5

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Killing Floor - Chapter 5

"Almost there," you pant as you approach the corner store. "Uh, do you see any lights on in there?" It was already dark, but it always is at this time in the dead of winter.

"Ah, crap," Dean said, reaching the front door before you. "Who the hell closes this early?"

You peek into the window, spotting the silver knives exactly where you saw them the other day. "There, found them. They're still in stock."

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Dean questioned, taking a lockpick out of his pocket.

You can't take the hunter out of the hunt, nor the small, unnoticeable hunter gadgets out of the hunter's pocket, apparently. You drag out the 'y' in "Yep," in response, hands on hips, keeping an eye out for passersby.

In less than a minute you're in the shop and trying to avoid knocking stuff over on your way to the silver knives against the wall. On the way you grab a bag of goofer dust, the biggest you could fit in your pocket. Dean handed you a knife and kept one for himself, and just when you thought you might get out of there clean, blue lights reflected off the windows and into the dark shop.

"Let's hope there's a back door," you think out loud as you duck behind a gondola full of crystals.

"I think I saw an emergency exit straight back," Dean remembered as you both crawl on the floor military style, picking up the pace when you hear voices coming closer to the front.

The alarm sounds as soon as you push the door in, and you book it into the dark alley in time to see a pair of metallic glowing eyes submerge into a sewer and replace the lid on the manhole. "Dean! It went down there!" you yelled. He bolted ahead of you and threw the sewage drain cover out of the way with a grunt, then took your hand as you lowered yourself in. Seconds later he had replaced the lid and landed beside you in total darkness. "Flashlights?" you asked.

"Yep," you could hear him dig through his pockets beside you.

"You're awesome." He turned them both on and you took one. Getting away from the entrance before the cops got close, you and Dean started down the pitch black sewer with only two small streams of light to give you any inkling of where you were headed. A noise echoed from further down and you both started running towards it, silver in hand. When you rounded the corner, you came to a fork in the road.

"You go that way, Y/N," Dean said, flashing his light to the left.

You nodded even though he couldn't see and started off. He disappeared to the right and in seconds you stopped seeing the bobbing glow from his flashlight. Sloshing through the sewer, you hear a splash further ahead, out of your flashlight's reach. You darted towards the sound, and in the distance, your light faintly revealed a creature in a hotel housekeeper uniform, but with half its face peeled off and one eye, which glowed silvery gold. Breathing hard, you lunged into a run and gripped your silver knife tight as it scurried away into the darkness. You screamed angrily hot on its trail, eventually gaining on it, your light bouncing up and down between your quick strides. You suddenly felt your foot catch against a floor pipe and in one swift motion you face planted with a splash.

"No! Dammit!" you yelled into the darkness, but you had lost her. Getting up and readjusting the knife, you walked at a steady pace for about ten minutes until you reached another fork. The right side was totally dark but you heard a 'ping' against the metal walls. "Dean?" you called, wondering if this is where his passage had led to.

"Y/N!" came the call back, faint in the distance. You ran towards his voice, occasionally saying his name over so you knew you were headed in the right direction. Pretty soon your light met his and you hurried to meet each other.

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