Chapter Five~ Blond Hair and-JOSEPHINE JEANNA WEST

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I heave myself up off of the ground. Confused, I rub my eyes. Everything seems smudged together: the bleak heat, the sticky sweat transfused into the viscid rain on the ground; the grey monochrome sky, the shadows of the night, and the feeling that time stopped, like you're trapped in a never ending world of dread— whether the sun will come up again, warmth will return— or at least that you could be at home, bundled up in your cozy bed.

I have no idea what's going on; my head is pulsating, my palms perspiring, teeth ground together, and eyes slammed shut. My arms are clamped around my mid-section with my fingertips piercing my skin. My mind is blank, only a faint ringing sounds throughout the depths of it. An icy-hot sensation pumps throughout my veins. I shudder.

"Hey, are you okay?" A hoarse voice strikes me from behind. I jump onto my feet and glance behind me. Rubbing my eyes, I rid myself of the kaleidoscope of shapes, and colors, and sounds, and movements, and feelings, and shadows, and light. All I see is a lopsided grin attempting to mask the fear and anticipation underneath. Shaking my head, I glare at the boy looking down at me.


He blinks, "Um, hi." A wave. Another blink, and a shuffle of feet.

"Hi," I finally say. I try to rack my brain for something, anything to say to get rid of the awkwardness, but nothing comes to mind.

At last, he finds words. "Um— Jean, right?"

I burst out laughing. "Really? I know you know me. Why would you choose to say that? Lol." I wince. He chokes as he attempts to hold in his laugh.

"Lol? You choose to say that? That's perfect. I'll say that next time to break the tension. 'Ummmm—lol?! I can't even!" He hits his knee.

"'I can't even!'" I mock him, glaring into his dark eyes, and smack my knee. He stops and gives me a blank stare.

"Well," he begins flatly, "I have to go. It's been nice... talking to you?" He eyes where I was previously laying down. "And maybe you should... I don't know— do something about you passing out randomly?"

"What? But we just began our conversation. And how do I know you aren't to blame for me just randomly passing out?" Although, I can guess it probably has to do with my anxiety rising over the past few days... I grind my teeth together and ball my fists. He glances at them and grins.

"Well, if you're insisting... all you did was pass out 'cause you were scared of me and how intimidating I can be with these babies," He raises his eyebrows innocently while he lifts his arm up to his face so he can kiss his biceps. I narrow my eyes and stomp over to him.

"Now I know that's not what really happened. You have nothing impressive about you. You're just being a real jerk right now, and you're trying to aviod the topic at hand. Childish." I spin around as soon as I am directly in front of him and cross my arms.

     Blowing the curly fringe out of my eyes, I huff out. I hear him scoff behind me and stoop his head down to my ears. Hot, misty breath tingles my neck while a bittersweet lemony scent fills my senses. A shiver runs throughout me from the sensation.

"Um... what were we talking about?" I mentally facepalm myself. Really? Good job Jean, you just made a fool of yourself.

He chuckles and pulls himself away. It's not until then that I realise he had his fingers gripped around each hip of mine. Albeit, softly and with care. Now the chilly air wraps around me from the absence of his warmth, and a small frown tugs at my lips.

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