Chapter Ten~ A Long Day

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    Warning: This chapter briefly mentions self harm after the first "~~~" break.

(Picture above is the mysterious stranger who beat up Wayland)

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

   I had no idea where I was going.

It was later in the day, and the dark, heavy clouds enveloping the skies casted a morbid shadow around me. I checked to see if I had my phone with me, but it seems that Wayland had bigger priorities than that: getting me to safety.

Gosh, it feels like such a long time ago that he pulled me from my dreaded mother— step mother.

In that moment I was lost. Everything was a blur and I was stuck between the past and my present.

Gosh, there was so much blood—

I stop myself, my hand a ghost brushing against my throat.

"Jeanna... Please don't run away." His voice is a whisper in my mind, some part of me knowing I should stop, turn around, and go back to Wayland. I should fight for him, make him let me help him. Seeing him like that— I shudder.

But another part of me knew that I— no— that we needed space. For many reasons. One of them, is that a healthy relationship doesn't come from being cooped up together. It's the moments that we spend together, anxious to get back home to each other and wondering what it'd be like that day we get to spend with them. Would we have unending fun together, a day spent with laughs and jokes, or would it be a desperate day, where we would clasp onto each other and try to ease each other's constant pain?

Another reason, is that we both have our own shit to go through.

I take a deep breath, the now frigid air burning my nostrils.

"I'm sorry." The silence wraps around us, like a hand wrapping around a warm mug of hot chocolate. Or, more like a snake swathing itself around its prey.

"What?" I turn around to face him, and it feels like time is swirling around us like someone stirring thick honey.

He looks at me like he's calling for help, eyes widening a fraction, and face pulling into a slight, defeated and lost frown. A lock of his ink-black hair is dangling over his forehead, just below his eyebrow.

I have to stop myself from reaching out towards him, my fingers stretching before curling into my palm.

"Please don't leave me." His words sound like his whisper in my mind just a few moments ago, but this time it's real, the soft edge of his voice caressing my ears.

This time he's asking me not to leave him— rather than the falsetto whisper asking me not to run. I guess that's just me begging myself not to run.

"Wayland, I have to." My voice betrays me by showing how vulnerable and weak I am. How much of a lier I am. I don't need to run— that's all I've been doing ever since what happened.

"I have to go back." I wipe a stray tear away from my cheek, and hisses of my past shrill into my ears and mind.

You're going to end up like her, they seethe.

You're either going to end up killing yourself or those around you. No one's going to love you. The voices— the sole voice that constantly berates me, won't stop digging into my mind.

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