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"Bye Nickers!" Luke yelled, running over with his arms wide open. I gladly returned the hug and cherished the moment. It was probably one of the last times I will see my best friends, for god knows how long. Luke pulled away, with his hands still placed on my shoulders, "See you Nicks, we'll see eachother again." He winked. Luke walked out of sight, revealing him.

He had his head down, looking at his fiddling fingers. I sighed, and walked up to him. "Jai.." I said, tapping the top of his head. No reply. I grabbed his fiddly hands and lifted him up, causing him to look me in the eye. His normally chocolate brown eyes, were dull and filled with sorrow. Well, so were mine.

I wrapped my arms around his body and squished my face into his chest. "I'll miss you." He wrapped his arms around my neck and held me tight. He put his lips to my ear, "I'll miss you more.."


I stepped onto the plane and gave my ticket to the lady, she pointed out the direction my seat was and I followed. I finally found my seat, chucked my crap on the overhead storage shelf and sat down. Flight, Melborne, Australia to London, England is now ready to take off. Please fasten you seatbelts and enjoy your flight. I stared out the window, watching Australia disappear before my eyes. I couldn't help but feel my heartbreak. My dad, who was sitting next to me made a dry joke. I would usually laugh my head off but I wasn't feeling it, so I shrugged it off. I sunk deeper into my seat, and took one last look at the blue sky, before falling into a deep sleep.

14 months later.

"Nicole!" a rather high-pitched scream filled the room. "Mmm?" I said, turning my head to the direction of the noise. Of course I knew who it was. It was my close friend, Ashley. She came running in with her laptop in hand. Her gorgeous blonde hair flowing behind her. She jumped on me, squealing her head off. "ASDFJHSUDIFBEWJHEBFYUWDFB" Was all i heard.

I slapped my hand over her mouth, "English please?" I laughed. She took a deep breathe, "I'm soooo over Justin Bieber, look at these hotties. They are amaaaaazing!" She said in her thick British accent. She dropped her laptop onto my lap, "They are fucking hilarious, and they're from Australia like you!" shee screamed, yet again. I rolled my eyes, to the sight of my mentally-derranged friend.

My eyes scanned onto her laptop screen, it was on Youtube, on a page with a video called "Awkward Train Situations" I hushed Ashley and clicked play.

I started off with five fit guys (Yes, I'm using England slang.) in front of a camera. Ahh, it was good to hear a aussie accent after a year and a bit. The guy in the middle looked awfully familiar, like i've seen him before.. But then something in the corner caught my eye. That face... I tried to take a double take but then the screen changed to one of the guys sitting next to a Indian. 

My mind was going bezerk. That face, looked exactly like him. I looked to my right and watched Ashley basically go, "akasdhjkjhjkajsh." I raised an eyebrow. She was such a fangirl. She saw me staring and grabbed my face and 'gracefully' turned my head to the screen. Find the Sarcasm.

The screen was facing the ground then pulled up to show a boy, my age, sitting in a crowded train. He started barking randomly. Lol...


That hair. That adorable voice. That face. I felt like slicing my throat then and there.

That boy was none other than, Jai Domenic Brooks.

I slammed the laptop shut and chucked it on the bed, like it was a plate full of veggies. "What the bejebus?" Ashley yelled. I put my head into my hands, swearing under my breath. "Nicole? What's wrong?" She questioned, shaking me slightly, "Are they ugly?"

That's when I burst into tears. "It's him." I cried. "Nooo..." She said in disbelief. I nodded. She pulled me into a hug. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea."

I sniffed and wiped my tears. "It's not your fault Ashelez.. I'm just in shock." It was true. It felt like a bullet striking me right in the heart. I don't know why I reacted this way, why I reacted so much. I thought I was okay, But seeing his face one more time, reminded me I wasn't. I'm back to square one.

Ashley gently rubbed my wrists and kissed my forehead. "Your strong. And your not alone." She stood up and lifted me up, "Now lets raid the frigde and get you to your hair appointment." I smiled. She always knew how to get me throught bad times. I took one last look and the disgusting cuts on my wrists and walked to the fridge.

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