Why Am I Here?

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Samantha's POV

I took a deep breath and convinced myself that it'll all be fine. I checked how I looked through my rearview mirror and prepped myself before leaving my car and heading to school. So my parents decided to ship me off to boarding school on my senior year because of my partying habits. It's not like my grades were bad or anything. I was a straight A student for goodness sake.

To be honest I'm still holding a grudge against my parents for sending me off here. I took my bags and headed to the Office and ask where my dorm was. It's weird because they allow us to keep our cars here even though we're required to stay here during school days but whatever. My parents decided to send me to an all girls boarding school. Of all schools why here. I can't believe their wasting their money on this jeez. I mean we're not really poor so it's fine i guess.

As I was struggling carrying all my damn bags I finally found where the office was. God Why am I here? I greeted the old lady sitting behind a desk and asked her where my dorm was. She just looked at me groggily and told me to follow her. Guess she's not a morning person?

She led me to my dorm and I saw 2 beds. I just stared at the beds with disbelief. I can't believe I dont have my own fucking room.

"There must be a mistake, I can't share a room with anyone" I told the old lady whom I still dont know the name of.

"There's no mistake. Everyone here has at least one roommate." She stated monotonously before adding "Enjoy." Then just like that she walked out of the room.

"What a bitch" I huffed right after she closed the door behind her. I took a look at my surroundings and saw 2 beds opposite to each other each with a study desk next to them. There was also a walk in closet that has a door inside leading to the bathroom. I don't feel comfortable sharing a room with a random girl especially my damn closet. Now I'll just have to wait and see to who my roommate is.

I made my way to my bags and started unpacking my stuff so I could settle in this place where I'll be staying for the rest of the year. I still can't believe I wont be spending my senior year with my friends back home. I literally cried for a whole week when I found out my parents were shipping me off to this place. Now I cant visit my friends randomly because I'm in another country. I hate this.

I was inside the closet fixing my clothes when I heard someone opening the door. I perked up and walked slowly out of the closet to see who was out there.

"Hi you must be my roommate!" A taller girl with a british accent who appeared right in front of my face greeted way too cheerfully.

"Uh hi yeah, I'm Sam" I told her nonchalantly.

"Nice to meet you Sam, I'm Autumn" She extended her hand for me to shake and I looked at it for a good 3 seconds before shaking it. I took in how pretty she actually was. She could pass as a fucking model to be honest. I suddenly felt insecure about myself. I mean that's something cause not to brag or anything I wasn't bad looking. But she was gorgeous.

"You're from America?" She asked while she was unpacking her things.

"Yep, you're from England?" I asked her even though I already knew the answer to my question.

"Yes, born and raised" She smiled at me and I almost died right there. How is she not a model for real. I'm starstucked and she's not even a celeb what the hell. I guess having a roommate is not bad after all. I could ask her beauty tips or something.

"So I'm guessing you're new here? I haven't seen you around before" She suddenly said snapping me out of my trance. Was I staring oh my god.

"Y-yeah I just moved here last week, I stayed at my aunt's house for a while" I stuttered completely embarrassed because I think she caught me staring.

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