Just Go With it

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Samantha's POV

"So are you finally gonna explain to me what happened back there?" I said looking straight at her. She just pulled up her car near a park. We had to drive off because crazy ass Megan might come at us if we stayed there. The girl doesn't like me much I think. I mean she just called me a bitch so..

Autumn let out a sigh. "Okay. That girl back there was my ex" She started. "I gathered" I interrupted her which earned me a glare from the godde- oh I mean Autumn.

"Oops sorry okay continue" I smiled sheepishly at her. "Anyway going back to what I was saying." Autumn took a pause to look at me checking if I was gonna interrupt her again. i just motion for her to continue.

"So Megan and I were together for almost a year and a half. I met her in one of my classes and we just hit it off. Honestly I thought she was straight when we first met but my gaydar's broken so I cant really trust it." She explained laughing at the last part.

"Wow seriously? I knew the moment I saw her that she was at least bi" I told her and she just looked surprised and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hey I have a gay best friend back home and I help him find cute guys so my gaydar's pretty good" I defended myself adding a wink.

"Okay back to my story" She said shifting on her seat so she could face me. "So we dated after we clicked she asked me to be her girlfriend after a few weeks of hanging out then I said yes blah blah" I jus smiled at her story cause she looks so cute.

"Then on the latter part of our relationship things became more toxic.." She said with a frown on her cute face. I mean on her face what is it with me today jeez.

"What do you mean you got toxic?" I asked her curiously.

She pushed the hair that was falling on her face behind her ear and started to answer "We started arguing and fighting so much. Our views on things didn't help at all. Like I didn't know that we were just so different. So I got tired with all the fighting and it isn't good for the both of us anymore so I broke it off 4 months ago."

"Woah so she's still going after you?" I sounded so surprised with my own question because It's been months but maybe moving on is hard I wouldn't know since I never had a relationship before.

"Yup she's been chasing after me and I kept on telling her that it's just not gonna work anymore. I mean I still love her but I'm not in love with her you know?" She replied to me.
"Well I wouldn't know the difference I've never been in love" I said tucking my brown hair behind my ear.
"Oh right.. I still don't believe you on that you know" She said smirking at me and I just pushed her playfully so she could shut up.

Autumn just laughed at my response and started her car. She started driving but I don't know where we're going. It was almost 4 and I feel like I've been so unproductive the whole day.

"Uhh where are you taking me?" I asked her because honestly I dont know this place yet. "Oh I'm gonna kill you now since you know about me and Megs" She smirked glancing at me quickly before focusing back to the road.

"You bitch, I know kung fu" I stated while doing one of the kung fu stances I learned before with my hands

She just laughed at me and said "Calm you ass down I'm taking us back to the school" I swear her laugh sounds so cute. Okay never mind what I just said

It wasn't long when we pulled up on the school's parking lot and headed back to our dorms. I loved how the landscaping is done here. It must've cost a fortune considering our tuition fees are a looooot.

Autumn must've notice that I was admiring the landscape because she nudged me and said "Amazing right? What a view"

"Yeah it's relaxing to look at" I said before turning my head to look at her and she was staring at me not the landscape. She might have not expected me to turn around because she quickly shifted her gaze as soon as she saw me look.

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