Yogurts are fun

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Samantha's POV

As I opened my eyes I immediately saw a pair of green eyes staring straight at me. I was frozen at my place due to Autumn's closeness to my face. She seemed shocked as well that I suddenly opened my eyes. Shock was very evident on her face but recovered quickly

"Oh my god I'm sorry I was just checking if you were really sleeping" She said backing away from me while scratching the back of her neck. She was so red resembling a tomato. I had to admit she looked cute as a tomato but I'm pretty sure my face was burning as well.

I tried laughing it off "Pshh girl, it's fine I just thought the girl from the grudge was right up my face" I joked which earned me a playful slap from her.

"You bitch, I don't look like her! FYI I am tan as fuck so I wouldn't pass as a ghost" She did a hairflip and winked at me trying to show how attractive she actually is. Far from what I just described her as.

I just rolled my eyes at her and threw my pillow at her direction. This bitch is way too confident. I mean she has the right to be but she's downright cocky, even though she was just being playful.

I was gonna protest but we both heard my stomach growl. I checked what time it was and it was lunch time already.

Autumn just raised her perfectly shaped brows at me as she heard my stomach growl. "Wanna eat out? I know a pizza place we could drive to" She offered and pizza sounded so appealing right now. I eagerly nodded my head yes and prepared to leave.

"Hmm someone's eager to eat" Autumn the bitch teased. I just threw my other pillow at her again which earned me a 'what the fuck' look from her

"I just wanna eat okay? Don't make me hangry it wont be nice for you" I warned her. I was a total bitch when I get hangry. I mean who isn't right?

"Okay okay madam, noted" She laughed raising both of her hands up as if surrendering.

We decided to take her car instead since she wanted to drive and I was a lazy fuck. I didn't expect her to own a Matte Black Mercedes-Benz G Class. I thought she was the type of girl who own a convertible or something. Plus she looks so girly and fragile or maybe I'm just judgemental as fuck. My bad

I actually like her car. Here in England my parents bought me a Mustang to bribe me so I wont be mad at them anymore. I just accepted the car but I still am kinda pissed at them for shipping me here.

The car ride was something. I feel like we were at an episode of carpool karaoke. We sang at the top of our lungs I felt like we woke the whole neighbourhood up. I'm glad that the whole incident back in the room was forgotten already. I didn't want to be awkward with her since she'll be my roommate for a whole year. I still wasn't sure if she was gay or bi or just bi curious. Who the hell knows. It's not my business anyways.

We reached the Pizza parlor she was talking about and the place gave me a 90's vibes but in a good way. Let's see if it'll live up to my expectations. Food really seems appealing right now.

"What do you want to order?" Autumn interrupted my thoughts. I took a look over the menu to see what they had to offer. "I'm kinda craving for a pepperoni pizza tho" I told her. "Alright good thing that's my fave pizza" She smiled before walking up to the counter. I made my way to an empty booth.

"They said it'll be a 15 minute waiting time" Autumn took a seat opposite to me. "It's fine I can wait" I reassured her.

"Well your stomach seems to say differently" She joked remembering my stomach growling earlier. I just rolled my eyes at her and defended myself " Hey it's lunch time already okay"

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