Chapter 4 ~ Interview

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Chapter 4 ~ Interview

- the next morning arrived an Maria an Jordan came over to see me before I left..........

Jordan: he said that?

Me: yes

Maria: wait wait wait!! Hold up (*she says this slow*) HOlD Up! So you telling me he came over here trying be fresh?

Me: no!

Jordan: yes!

Me: ok ok he came over here an gave me flowers! I let him in - (*get cut off*)

Maria: aaaaann! (*she made the buzzer noise*) wrong!

Jordan: See that's where you went wrong you let him

Me: I know I know but I wanted to know what he wanted!

(*maria started singing trey song neighbors know my name*)

Maria: soon as we get started making love going harder hear a (*she knocked on The window*) boom boom boom knock knock knocking on the wall

(* me am Jordan ignored her an kept talking*)

Jordan: so he started tickling you?

Me: lol yea he knew all the right places! That's weird?

Maira: girl your legs keep shaking an I swear we breaking are new head board (*rubs all on the head board*) head board cuz the love we made....

Jordan: (*rolls her eyes*) lol

Me: I jus let him in because he said I got noise neighbors an I didn't want anyone to tell my mom that I had a boy sneaking into my window at late hours

Maria: (*still singing*) I bet the neighbors know his name! Was you screaming, straching, yelling? I bet the neighbors know his name they was stressing while y'all was s- in! I bet the neighbors know his name! His name name!!

Me: (*i threw a pillow at her*) lol shut up

(*we all broke out laughing*)

Maria: you know that's how it went down! You saying it!

Me: (* I looked at her like she was stupid*)

Maria: was it b-

Jordan:(* puts a pillow over her face*) okk Maria that's enough of that!

Me: lol yea anyways idk what to think! (*looks at maria*) an I don't think he came over to get fresh with me! I think he really needed someone he could lean his head on!

Jordan: awwww

Maria: (*started singing*) lean on me! When your not strong I'll be your friend! (* then she stopped*)

Jordan: (*picked up the flowers*) so what you gonna do with the flowers?

Me: idk keep them! I thought that was very nice of him ^.^

Maria: awwww ... No burn them (*starts singing*) burn baby burn!

Jordan: Maria you sing to much

Maria: I know right hey Kaesha you think once you go to your interview you can get me a singing deal?

Me: lol your not that good (*me an Jordan walked out the room laughing*)

Maria: wait? What's that suppose to mean? (*she followed us down stairs*)

Mom: ohh there you are ok we have to get you ready (* I followed her to the bathroom and she fixed my hair an put on a little makeup*) alright your ready!

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