Chapter 17 ~ Dance Practice

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Chapter 17 ~ dance practice

~ it was Monday an I was headed to this dance practice for the music video! I was dressed in black sweat pants an my cute pink shirt an a pink black an white bow! I had my pink an black shoes! I was scared! I really didn't know what to expect but I was ready for what every they had to throw at me

Jessica: you sure you wanna go through with this?

Me: yes my first music video? Who would turn that down

Jessica: ok (*we pulled up to The dance studio, I had my hair Tied back in to a pony tail an I was ready to go!*) alright jus through this door

Me: alright (*we walked in to the dance studio it was nice an big filled with Mirrors*)

Brad: hey what's up glad you can make it (*hugs me*)

Me: glad to be here!

Brad: great! Well your dance teacher should be on her way here! The dancers are jus in the other room one sec! LADIES!!

(* in walked five other girls*)

Brad: ladies this is Jawan's lead girl (*looks at me for name*)

Me: Kaesha

Brad: Kaesha! She is family don't give her a hard time an help her out with the moves! Now (*turns to jessica*) lets go do paper work

Jessica: let's (* the two of them wall off*)

- a girl walks up to me

Girl: hey what's up my name is autumn

Me: hi I'm Kaesha

Autumn: so your Jawan's main girl huh!

Me: yea I'm kinda scared is he nice

Autumn: oh no need to worry! He is really sweet an he is excited to meet you

Me: omg he's here 0,0

Autumn: lol no no its jus us girls for now!

Me: ok

Lady: alright girliesss!!! Let's get started! (*all the girls had spaced out*) I see Jawan lead girl hear

Me: hi :)

Lady: I'm your dance teacher don't worry I'm fun (* claps hands 👏*) so what song should we exercise to?

Girl: ummm Rihanna rude boy

Lady: alright Que. the music (* the music stars playing an she shouts out orders*) to the right 💃 to the left 🚶 back it up 💁 take it to the ground 👯 an roll an roll

Me: (* I was following The girls I was actually getting all the moves*)

Lady: get it Jawan girl!

Me: lol 👯👯

Lady: (* alright when the song ended everyone stopped*) so how does everyone feel?

Girl: good!

Lady: alright let's go for the dance moves! So Kaesha the song is Jawan Harris she will

{ let's pretend he never made that video yet}

Lady: alright so you start off with Cotten candy! You like Cotten candy?

Me: yes :) lol

Lady; alright so this is how the moves go your go right click click click that's 3 counts an he does the opposite way then it's left three counts move out an you swirl into his arms

Me: ok three counts

Lady; let's try

Me: ok right 123 left 123 out turn

Lady: great!! You got it! Now he's gonna be behind you so y'all gonna grind grind grind 3 count go

Me: ok (* I started moving*)

Lady: perfect now make sure when you do that you go way out so he can come in

Me: ok I got it (* the girls sat on the floor and clapped for me 👏👏*) 

Thank you lol

Lady: then your gonna move out to the right an back 1 back 2 swoop left swoop move up leg leg plus the arms you got it?

Me: kinda? Let me try (* I do the moves slow*) did I get it?

Lady: yea that was good now me an you try it!! Aye hit that music!

~ the music came on an we began

Lady: right left hit hit uh uh! Go back back swoop swoop move move! Great then you turn to the right roll roll and then you go to him an pass a paper in his hand!

Me: ok I think I get it!

Lady: you ready to try it with Jawan!

Me: what!!!!

Lady; jus kidding jus kiddin that's not this practice!

Me: WHOO good

Lady: alright now ladies let's do our part chop chop!!


(* I had learned my part really well plus a few director moves*)

Autumn: hey wait up (* she ran to me*)

Me: hey

Autumn: you did really good!

Me: thanks

Autumn: you ready to see Jawan next time :)

Me: I don't know dancing with him an all

Autumn: yea it could be a little scary but trust me he is really sweet!

Me: aww thank (*beep beep Jessica was honkin from across the street*) 

Sorry I got to go

Autumn: it's cool twit pic (* we took a quick pic an I headed across the street In to the car*)

Jessica: so how was it

Me: fun the next one I'm Meeting Jawan!

Jessica: well good luck! Was it hard

Me: naw but it may be with him 0.0

Jessica: ohh jus relax it's gonna be fine

~ we pulled off into the dark

<3 Video Girl <3 ~jacob latimore storyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora