Chapter 14 ~ I'm Going Out

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Chapter 14~ I'm going out

- its a Monday night an it was almost time for me an Erica to go out we both took our showers an started to change an do makeup

Diamond: (*walks in*) hold up y'all looking to go for the night where y'all going

Erica: no where

Diamond: yea right! I wanna go

Me: Cameron taking me out tonight

Diamond: why Erica going?

Me: because he asked for her

Diamond: (*start taking out clothes*) well he jus asked for me to!

Erica: uhhhh really diamond!!

Diamond: what I wanna go out an party to!

Me: we'll hurry up The limo pullin up soon!

(* diamond quickly changed an we headed out to the limo*)


Erica: I'm setting rules! No drinking!

Diamond: umm umm I need a little something in my system!

Me: (* I pulled out my phone an texted Cameron! I told him that I was on my way to pick him up in the limo! He said ok*)

Diamond: but especially you drunkie cuz you be getting sick

Me: I won't girls! Cam already said he watching me

Erica: alright (*folds her arms*)

- soon we pulled up to cams place him an his boys jump in the limo an he tells the driver where to go

Erica: what Kaesha you didnt say all these dudes where gonna come

Me: (*i smiled an shrugged my shoulders*) change of plans :)

Cameron: (*puts his arm around me*) I didn't know diamond was joining us (*she smiled 😁*)

Me: surprise lol

Erica: (*a dude comes closer to Erica *) yea right buddie (* she pushes him away*)

~ soon we pulled up to the club place

Driver: everyone out!

- we all piled out the car an headed into the club! We saw people dancing all on each other! It's looked like a cool club!

Cameron: (*comes up behind me an says in my ear*) lets hit The floor!

Me: (* I pull him to the floor an starts dancing with him*) 👯👯 thanks for taking me out tonight

Cameron: any thing for my special girl :)

Me: (* I blush a little*)

Erica: (*joins us*) Cameron your boy a little freaky!

Cameron: don't act like you not like that

Erica: not with him

Me: lol girl go have some fun

- soon me diamond and Erica take a seat

Diamond: umm girl Cameron is really cute! If y'all wasn't a thing I would so be all over that!

Me: lol

Erica: clam down diamond

Diamond: I'm jus saying :)

Me: yea

Diamond: so what was that earlier

Me: oh with Vivi (*rolls eyes*) because I believe she put something in my drink to make me almost miss my training!

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