Chapter 1

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Magnus's POV"

~you gay boy!" I glanced up from the sidewalk, which I normally stared at to avoid confrontation. I've found people tend to not bother me as much if I kept my head down and pretend to mind my own business. You catch on to these things once you've moved around as much as I have. 

My eyes found the source of the voice; a group of teenagers, a few years older than me, kicking a green-haired boy, around my age. Maybe thirteen-fourteen? The boy was curled up in a fetal position, trying to swat off his attackers. 

"I'm not a boy. I'm a girl!" I cocked my head to the side confused. Only a moment ago the kid being hurt seemed like a boy, but suddenly she looked like a girl. 

One of the jerks glanced my direction, "You got a problem?" He called across the uninhabited street. His shaggy brown hair obscured the upper half of his acne speckled face. He was wearing baggy grey hoodie with some sports logo, and blue jeans.

I must be the only one in the world who was glad that to see someone like him. I've learned that anyone who looks like him isn't too dangerous. He wasn't likely to be carrying a gun, or be in a gang. He was just a homophobic jerk. 

A few of the other teens turned to look at me. Why...oh yea, Hoodie McAcne asked me a question. "Uh....." I was about to say no, but something stopped me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a hero. My mother taught how to not get hurt, and that often involves keeping my head down and not getting involved with random people on the street, but I had seen the girls face. She had looked terrified and angry, but that's not what stopped me.

There wasn't just fear in her eyes. There was resignation. She looked as though she knew I was just going to leave her there. Like this had happened before, and she knew it would happen again, and again. 

The girl scrambled to her feet and started to run away, only to be roughly grabbed by another teen who in going to call Duke Patchy-Beard III, and to be shoved back to the ground. 

"Leave the freak. It's not worth it," The teen who was obviously their leader said glancing back at Duke Patchy-Beard III, then turning back towards me wearing a look of disgust. 

The teens started to leave, but not before Hoodie McAcne raised his arm like he was going to hit the green haired girl. When she flinched he laughed. 

The girl gingerly sat up with her knees to her chest, glancing up to warily look at me, her eyes bruised and reddening with tears. 

I crossed the street at a brisk pace not worrying about traffic, as most of the houses were foreclosed which didn't tend to bring in that much traffic. The girls suspicious eyes were still locked on me. 

"Are...are you ok?" I asked crouching beside her. I remembered what my mom taught me to do if I ever came across a wounded animal; make myself small by crouching, and speak in a soft tone.

The girl glared into my eyes, "What do you think?" She asked in an accusatory tone, wiping her bloody nose withe her sleeve, "No matter where I go there are horrible transphobic people. At best they cross the street to avoid me, and at worst..." She gestured all around as if to use her life as a worst case scenario. She sighed and rested her head on her arms. 

"I could could call your parents? Or do you not..." I trailed off, worried that I had offended her when her head had jerked up at the word 'parents'.

"That's none of your business," She said quickly, turning her head away from me.

"Sorry, I just want to help-"

"Well you're not!" She cut me off, quickly standing up, using a rusted stop sign to steady herself when she started to wobble.

I stood to join her. "C'mon, you're hurt." I said concerned that she was going to collapse at any moment.

For a few moments she glared, her eyes drilling holes through my skull. Her whole body seemed to relax when she sighed "I do have someplace I can go."

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