Chapter 1

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Dear dad,
When I was a baby
you would hold me in your arms
I felt the love and tenderness
keeping me safe from harm
I would look up into your eyes
and all the love I would see
How did I get so lucky
you were the dad chosen for me
Happy birthday, I love you
I wish you were still here
- Kendall
2 years ago

Kendall's POV
It was 5:59am and my dads alarm was about to go off every year I'm always the 1st person to tell him happy birthday and I have always been right at his bedroom doorway at 6:00 so when he wakes up I give him an "extra special Kendall birthday surprise hug" and it's always how we start the day
*alarm goes off in the next room*
I get up and run to his door way and wait for him to open it, he opens the door "Ahhhh there's my extra special Kendall birthday hug, I love you sweetheart" he says. "I love you too dad" we go and eat breakfast at our favorite place to eat breakfast (they just have the best Breakfast in our town) Bob Evans! We walk in and this cute kid that's here every time is the one who brings us to our table. I always blush when I have to give him my order and dad always picks on me no doubt about it. His name is Dean and he's my age (17) but he doesn't go to my school so I only know him from the restaurant. When we got to our table "oh dude sick converse" He says looking at my neon green shoes "ha ha..thanks" I say as my cheeks start to get rosy "Ya her old pops here got those for her birthday, now today's mine so where's my compliment" jokingly says my dad "haha they are some nice shoes sir, shes got quite the dad" Dean says while laughing "he's so cute when he laughs" I think in my head
Alright so what could I get for you to to drink this morning" He asks with his adorable smile

We finish eating my dad and I talked at the table while we waited for our bill. "Here's your bill, I hope u have a wonderful birthday sir" Dean says as he hands him the bill. He also handed me a napkin that said

I'd love to go out some time?
330-575-7.... (his number)

I slid the napkin in the pocket of my jeans before my dad seen it because he would ask to read it, I smiled at Dean and he smiled back "have a nice night u two" as he cleaned up our plates and we left to go get in the car.
We were in the car and my dad and I were laughing and singing along to his favorite songs until we got to the store about 2 blocks away from my house he dropped me off so I could pickup his cake and ice cream to surprise him. When I went into the store my dad went to the dollar store about a block away to get paper plates and some plastic forks and spoons to eat cake and ice cream. This cake has to be perfect I ordered it a few days ago and today is the day to pick it up. When I got it it was perfect just the way I ordered it I knew my dad was gonna love it. I was so excited to get home and show him so I hurried up and went and grabbed his favorite ice cream and went to checkout. After I checked out I was so excited to get home so I started walking, it wasn't that far of a walk so I was ok with it. Soon I got home and I went up to our apartment and my dad wasn't there yet. I waited for him because he's a really nice guy with lots of friends so he probably just got caught up in conversation at the store or something. About 10 min passed and he still wasn't home. I tried not to worry but I started to then another 10 min had passed so I tried to call him.
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
"Hello" said a unfamiliar voice
"Hello? Who is this?"
"Are you mr. Evans daughter?"
"Y- yes? Is everything ok!? Where's my dad?!!"
"I'm so sorry Ms.Evans but your father -"
"No no no NOO this can't happen!!! No he's gotta he ok!?!! TELL ME HES OK!....please"
"I'm so sorry, he was pulling out of a parking lot and a car smashed into the drivers side of his car, then another car hit his other side , he had some pretty bad head injuries and broke his spine and I'm afraid we lost him..."
I broke down into tears I don't know what to do, I need my dad....this has to be a bad dream. I know he's still out there....

I hung up the phone.

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