Chapter 2

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1 week later

It's been a week since I lost my dad, I haven't gotten out of bed since that night except to go to the bathroom. I didn't shower. I didn't eat. I didn't open the door for people who cared or the concerned neighbors. I didn't go anywhere or do anything. My room started to just be my safe place where nobody could hear my cries and me yelling at those idiots who killed my father. They don't deserve to be here on this earth, they killed an innocent man who did absolutely nothing to deserve this,he has always been a great guy. When my mom left us he stayed strong and kept me happy and safe and I don't know what he ever did to deserve to be killed...... My aunt has been blowing up my phone with texts and calls but I don't reply, she's organizing a funeral for him In a few weeks but I don't know if I'll even be able to drag myself up out of bed to even face anyone there. Or everyone's tears and that would just be accepting the fact that he's gone. I just can't face the truth, i don't know how I'm ever gonna live without him, I know I gotta accept that he's gone. Just not yet, I can't it's to soon. I just keep thinking about that night and the worried thoughts going through my head about him not coming home. It's all my fault I shouldn't have let him go. I should've let him come pick up the cake with me and get his own ice cream. Everything would've be ok. Then we wouldn't have been there when those idiots collided. I've been awake for almost 2 days straight because every time I try to sleep I can just picture memories of my dad. I'm tired I wanna sleep the rest of my life away but I can't...I miss my dad.
The next morning
I ended up passing out last night from exhaustion but I kept waking up every few hours from bad dreams. I woke up this morning to my aunt knocking of my door then busting it open.

That was the day I had to except the truth.

Back to the present (2 years later)
I woke up and rolled over to see Dean,My amazing boyfriend, I looked at him as he slept, his mouth slightly open and his quiet faint mumbles and snores, he was perfect in every way. He saved me, he helped my aunt break the door down that day, he got me out of my room, he got me food,washed,an outfit and a ride to my dads funeral. I have no idea where I would be without him, the only place I can imagine I would be is gone..I would've died in that room within the next few days if it wasn't for him. We were 19 now and a year out of high school and had a small house together down the road from my aunt, who I'm also thankful for, she always helps us with whatever we need and always has faith in us. I got up and got dressed and went downstairs to make Dean breakfast, I used my dads famous blueberry pancakes recipe that we all love sooo much, then it reminded me that the 2 year anniversary of his death/Birthday is coming up... I got tears in my eyes then heard Dean walking around upstairs so I held back my tears. I had to hold strong for Dean and my dad.

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