Chapter 4

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We got to the florist to get my dad flowers. We were looking around and I saw the perfect ones they were dark red rose like flowers and I remember when I was little we would go on daddy daughter picnics and we always went to a small flower field and watched butterflies and bees and looked at all the flowers and these were always his favorite. We bought the flowers then left. Aunt Charlie and I went shopping and got things we needed and a some clothes and I picked up a few things for Dean that I thought he would look cute in but he would never buy for himself. We got home at about dinner time. Aunt Charlie dropped me off at my house then went home. I made dinner for myself and left some leftovers for when Dean got home. When I was done I watched Netflix for a few hours and eventually drifted off to sleep.
11:00 pm
I woke up and I heard the door open so I knew Dean was home. You could tell that he was trying to be quiet downstairs and he came up and took his work clothes off and put on joggers and laid in bed next to me he put his arm around me then kissed my head and moved my hair and I smiled but didn't say anything then we both fell asleep.

It was the next morning and I woke up first like normal and I gently took Dean's arm off me and got up and covered him back up. He was still sound asleep so I grabbed some new clothes and went to the bathroom and got a shower. While I was in the shower Dean came in to go to the bathroom "Good morning babe" he said "Good morning" I said he saw my clothes "oooo cute new shirt" he said "Thanks I got it yesterday" I said as I turned off the shower and got out and he handed me the towel and I wrapped myself in it "Come follow me!!" I said "Oh? Ok" he said and laughed I went to the bedroom and grabbed the shirts and a pair of new jeans I bought for him and gave them to him. "Babe you didn't need to-" he said as I interrupted him "Yes I did, I saw them and I thought they would look adorable on you and your to stubborn to buy them for yourself, all you wear is black shirts and joggers or old jeans" I said and laughed. I went and grabbed my clothes from the bathroom and went back to the bedroom. I dropped my towel and got dressed and he got undressed then put his new clothes on too. "Woah, you look beautiful as always, I remember what you were wearing the day I met you at the restaurant" "Really?" I said and laughed "Yes, you were the prettiest girl I EVER took an order from, you were wearing those neon green converse you dad got for you and black leggings with a grey basketball hoodie" he said "Omg you do remember" "And you were wearing your black pants and red shirt with your dorky apron and bob evens hat" I said and we both laughed. "By the way you look amazing in that outfit, I know you'd never buy anything like that for yourself but I knew you'd look great, better then ur apron" I said "Don't make fun of my apron!! " he laughed then he picked me up and threw me on the bed and tickled me until I couldn't breath and he laid next to me. We were both on our backs laughing. I finally caught my breath and then sat up and laid on his chest and cuddled him and kissed his cheek and then his lips. He smiled and kissed my forehead and then we decided we wanted to go get coffee so we got up and went downstairs. We walked to our favorite coffee shop about 2 blocks away and we got our usual. He got a French vanilla iced coffee and I got kiwi boba tea with strawberry bubbles. After we got our drinks we sat at our table and just talked and laughed and then we finished our drinks and walked around town and just enjoyed our day together since he was off work and I didn't have anything to do and we haven't got to spend much time together lately. We got home and we got into comfy clothes and watched Netflix and cuddled until we both fell asleep, it was about 10:00 and we were both tired after walking around all day. It was the first really good day we've had for just the two of us together in awhile.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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