Chapter 3

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Sorry for taking so long to update u might wanna go re-read the last chapter Incase u forgot what happened this one won't make sense(This is probably gonna be a short chapter,sorry)😂.

I almost finished making the pancakes and as I was flipping the last one Dean came over to me and grabbed me by my waist and kissed my cheek as and I smiled "Good morning beautiful" he said with his smirk that made my heart melt. "Good morning Handsome" I said back with a giggle he smiled and grabbed two plates for us and put pancakes on them and then poured two glasses of milk and brought mine to the table as I was putting dishes in the sink. I joined him at the table and we ate as we talked about life and goofed around. There was a knock at the door then my aunt Charlie walked in "Hello cuties" she said with a smile "Hi aunt Charlie" we both said laughing "Where's my pancakes" she said messing around then grabbed one of the extra from the kitchen and sat with us at the table "Oh my goodness, you cook these just like your father they are amazing !" I just smiled "Thank you" I said
As we finished up Dean went upstairs and changed out of his shorts he slept in and put a Shirt on and got dressed for the day. He had work today it made me so sad when he went to work because he worked long shifts All day so he could support us considering we were only 19 and he didn't wanna fully depend on aunt Charlie. Before he left for work he hugged me tight and kissed me, then kissed my forehead until I let go of my tight hug I was giving him then I kissed him again and again "Ok lovebirds that's enough I'm your aunt I don't wanna see this" Aunt Charlie said as we all laughed. I hugged him one last time then he went to work I watched as he hopped in his truck and drove down the driveway until he was out of sight. "So go get dressed girly we are gonna go out and get your mind off of missing Dean all day, we can go shopping and out to lunch" so I went upstairs and got dressed in my normal outfit ripped jeans,vans,and a t-shirt with a flannel I put my long auburn hair in a braid over my shoulder then went downstairs and grabbed my bag and aunt Charlie and I went to the car.
We got in the car and as we were driving aunt Charlie asked me if I wanted to go get fresh flowers for my dads birthday to put at as his grave since it's only a few days away. "Yeah,but they have to be perfect" I said , I missed my dad so much sometimes I would still have nightmares about the night of the crash and I'd wake up and jerk up really fast and Dean would be there and wake up right away and tell me it's all ok and cuddle me the rest of the night and he'd tell me stories about when we 1st met or when he 1st saw me or just dumb stories about his childhood and I would fall asleep in no time. He was amazing I couldn't ask for a better boy, I know my dad is watching down on us and he would've loved Dean almost as much as I do, he's funny, he's sweet, he's kind and respectful, he's perfect in every way. I'd be gone without him I would've died in my own bed in that tiny room that I somehow trusted as my safe spot, it wasn't safe it ruined me, I'll never be the same. Without Dean we would never have had this house and aunt Charlie would be alone because we have no other family members around here I'm so thankful for Dean. Aunt Charlie always talks about how she thinks he's gonna Propose and I'll be Mrs.Adams. I love the ring to that just imagine Kendall Marie Adams & Dean Flynn Adams. We can only dream that it comes to reality some day.

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