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Author Note: Okay the story doesnt really begin here its kinda like an insight type thing. The truth of the matter is i wanted to name the first chapter Prologue, But it wouldnt let me it had to be the name of the story so basically you could skip this and go on to the Prologue. But this is a new story, based on an experience i had and i really hope you guys like it! (: Please comment and tell me what you think. Vote if you think its good! (: First story i have written like this it might be a little rough at first but please bare with me! (: Enjoy! (:

A little note, you can skip the Diary Entries they just give a little more insight to what Faye is feeling. I myself would probably read them but it is not nessicary.

Thanks!!! <3


In my world its nothing but school drama, and everything a normal teenagers life is. Until i get home. I get to go to this place where people accept me for who i am. Where i'm liked, by almost everyone i talk to. This world is a online game called, Frillix. It sounds weird but it couldnt be any better!

I met a guy on it about a year and a half ago. We fell in love, but we still haven't met. He just told me that his dad got a job in town and he is moving to our school. I dont know what im going to do.

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