Was It Real?

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"Faye." Cat yelled jumping on top of me. "Wake up, time for school."

"Leave me alone." I said pulling the covers over my head.

"No." She said pusing for a few seconds "Alec is starting today."

I raised up, my hair was all over the place.

"So not even fair!" I said getting up and going to my bathroom.

"Yes it is." She laughed

"Why are you even here this early?" I asked

"Someone had to make sure you got up. And do you wan't to ride the bus?" 

"I'm taking a shower." I said, ignoring her sarcasm.

I took a quick shower and did my hair and makeup. When I got back into my room Cat already had my outfit layed out, again. 

"Your welcome." She smiled

I put on the clothes without even thinking about it.

"Girls!" My mom yelled from down stairs, "Time to go to school." 

We rushed down stairs and got into Cat's car. About ten minutes later we arrived at school. The school was empty. I checked my phone. Its only 7, school doesn't even start till 8:05.

"Cat." I said showing her the time.

"Why did your mom tell us to go so early?"

"Cause usually I don't even wake up until after she yells at me. But someone came and tried to kill me this morning." I laughed

"Breakfast and coffee?" She asked

"Please!" I said

We went to the Coffee Shop and ordered three Vanilla Cappuccino's and three donuts.

We sat at the table by the window and I called Josh.

"Hello." He said, in a sleepy voice.

"Coffee Shop?" I asked 

"Five minutes." he replied

"Yay! By Joshie." 

"Bye Faye." 

I hung up and looked at Cat who was smiling.

"What?" I asked

"I wondered why you ordered extra coffee." 

"He's my bestfriend." I stated

"Mhmm.." She mumbled accusingly "So what about you and Alec?" 

"What about us?" I smiled

"Are you two together or what?" 

"I don't know... After last night I would think so, but he never asked me out." 

"Oh.." She trailed off

I heaed the front bell righ and Josh walked in with a pretty little girl. She was about 6 or 7. She has light brown hair and its french braided to the side.

"Who's the girl?" Cat asked

"His sister." I stated, waving over Josh and Isabell

"Ahww she is addorible!" Cat said to Josh. "Why didn't I know you had a little sister? We have been friends for like ever!"

"Cause she is always so quiet." He said

"Hey, Izzy." I said giving her a huge hug.

"Hey Faye." She replied

Josh gave me a big hug.

"Love you too, Josh." Cat said jokingly, before hugging him.

"Do you wan't something to eat baby girl?" I asked

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2012 ⏰

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