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It was too noisy. Too noisy for Jieun's liking. Small kids ran around with cotton candies in their hands; occasionally bumping into her. Couples were everywhere feeding each other snacks. Why couldn't they just use their own hand? Jieun stared at them in disgust.

Sohye nudged her with her sharp elbow.

"What was that for, woman?" Jieun whined. She wasn't up for this date thing but she was dragged here nonetheless. Sohye came knocking on her bedroom door at the crack of dawn, forcing her into a short purple sundress. Okay, maybe not the crack of dawn but, still, 1 pm was Jieun's start of the day on weekends. And, starting the day by being stabbed in the eye several times with Sohye's make-up wand was not an ideal 'good' morning.

"Your glare is scaring away the couples. Smile a little more?" Sohye nagged after noticing couples glancing at Jieun and running away. Jieun put on an obvious fake smile that looked way scarier.

She tapped on her foot, looking at the clock that kept ticking away. It showed 3:03. According to her best friend, the boys were supposed to be here 3 minutes ago. What kind of man even let a woman wait? She threw Sohye a 'I told you so' look.

"Oh, Changbin, you are here," Sohye sighed in relief. She could die if she heard another earful of how boys are bad from her friend again.

"Hey, we meet again," Hyunjin softly greeted Jieun who looked annoyed. To say she intimidate him would be an understatement.

"Yeah," Jieun didn't even bother to give him a smile. She remembered this guy as the dare guy. If she hadn't said 'no' that time, she would have been embarrassed big time by his revelation of how he was dared. This guy did not have a good first nor second impression.

"Are you mad that we were a bit late? I am sorry," Hyunjin rubbed his nape; an action that unconsciously came out from nervousness.

"It's alright. I am just accompanying Sohye anyway," Jieun hinted that she was not interested in him at all – blind date or not. Little did she know that this intrigued Hyunjin further. He was well-aware of how she had lied and gave excuses the last time he had asked her out. What made her despise the idea of dating him that much?

The two followed the lovey-dovey couple awkwardly. Sohye and Changbin, on the other hand, had forgotten completely about their friends. They were lost in their own sweet moments to care about a thing happening in the world outside their bubble.

"Do you want to just ditch them? I think I might puke soon if I see more of their PDA," Hyunjin took the chance to ask Jieun.

"Yeah, I think I might too," being a bitter single woman, Jieun gave in easily.

"Come on, let's try that shooting game," Hyunjin grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the booth with many balloons.

Jieun pulled her hand out from his grasp. No way in hell was she going to let her guard down.

"Whoever pop the most balloon will have a wish granted from the other," Hyunjin challenged to clear off the awkward tension. It was too obvious to not notice that she was pushing him out.

"Call," Jieun smirked at the guy.

"Hmm, what should I ask you to do?" Hyunjin smugly pondered in front of sour Jieun. The girl pouted – her pride hurt. She folded her arms and her face was contorted in a frown.

"Awn, don't be a sore loser," without much thought, Hyunjin's fingers smoothened her furrowed eyebrows. Jieun glared at the boy but he just found it cute.

"Here is your ice cream. Don't be mad at me anymore for you not being able to pop a single balloon, okay?" Hyunjin teased which earned him a kick on his leg.

"Girl, you hit hard," he whined and tailed Jieun who was devouring the mint ice cream.

The next couple of hours was spent with Hyunjin leading Jieun onto almost all the rides in the amusement park. As the time passed, Jieun was starting to see how hard Hyunjin was trying to get to know her.

But, was she ready to open her heart to another boy and let him crash it?

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