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Duck's eyes darted in every direction as he lead the group to Nick, taking a much safer way he had stored in memory when he was running from the shed. Unfortunately, he soon found that this path had taken a few moments longer to tread than the one Nick and him had ran on. Duck didn't think of this as misfortune, however, since a delayed reveal of a zombified Nick was exactly what he needed. "You do remember where it is, right?" Luke asked hesitantly, trying his best to sound more on the friendly side than on the pressing side even if he was slightly impatient.

Duck let out a quiet, short sigh as he turned to Luke, offering a small, worried smile. He didn't mean to make Luke impatient and he didn't want to be selfish but he'd rather walk a few more minutes than face the reality than maybe he had left Luke's best friend for dead.

"I do. I'm just trying to avoid walkers. It's just a slight detour. Don't worry,"

"Shouldn't we get to him sooner than later?" Luke asked, only succeeding in spiking slight anxiety in Duck. He wondered if Luke thought he was trying to deliberately double cross Nick, which wasn't the case at all.

"...Nick is safe in the shed. Trust me, I spent time in there too. There's no way he'll be got to in there," Duck said, hoping to ease Luke's worries and stop the questions until they got to their destination.

"Alright. I trust you," Luke said but Duck had a feeling that was furthest from the truth. Duck looked ahead, smiling as he realized it was only slightly further before the shed came into view.

"There it is," Duck said, taking out his hunting knife and turning to the rest of the group. "You guys stay here. Luke and I'll be right back," Duck said in a friendly tone, not lingering his gaze on them any longer for any sort of confirmation before sneaking up on a kneeling walker and stabbing it in the head as Luke killed the other two nearest to the shed. Duck studied whatever carcass the zombie had been devouring, a wave of relief coming over him as he saw it was an animal and in no way human.

"Nick?" Luke called out through the shed door, earning a slight groan in return.

"Nick, it's Duck and Luke. The rest of us are here too. Are you okay?" Duck asked, listening in only to hear silence. Luke put his hand on Duck's shoulder, pushing him behind in an attempt to give slight protection to Duck.

"Stay behind me, Junior," Luke said, making sure he had a tight hold on his machete before opening the door slowly, scanning the area inside for any sign of Nick. A groan came from the concrete floor, revealing a dazed but unbitten Nick that sat up weakly and smiled at them.

"Hey, you guys. You don't happen to have any aspirin on you, huh?" Nick asked, earning only a glare accompanied with crossed arms from Duck and a breathy laugh that could be passed as a relieved sigh from Luke.

"Asshole," Luke muttered, making his way to the man, helping him up the rest of the way and pulling him into a tight hug. It took only a second before Duck heard sniffling coming from Nick. Duck only turned away, making his way back to the group.

"Are they okay?" Clementine asked as she met Duck halfway, earning a warm smile.

"Yeah. They just need a moment,"

"Okay. So Nick's safe?"

"Absolutely. He's just havin' a rough time,"

"As expected," Clementine said, looking to the ground as she did. Duck looked at her expression, noting her far off look in her eyes. Was she thinking of Pete's last moments? Had she seen him die? He desperately wished to know what happened with Pete, wherever her and him ended up.

She never told him, he had realized. This only seemed to alert him to something and made his stomach drop. Why hasn't she told him yet? She tells him everything...

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