Be thankful in every situation

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Sometimes we are so focused on our problems , on the situations we are facing , that we forget to be thankful to God for what he already gave us and for what he already did into our lives...
And mostly , we realize that , just when we meet some other people in a worst situation than us ...
Sometimes , maybe we have foods enough for every day , but we miss money to pay studies to our children , we miss enough money to go study in some other place that we wish , etc...
There are a lot of things that we are missing , there are a lot of plans that we wish they accomplish , a lot of things we want God to do for us , but there is just one thing him , he wants from us , juste to be thankful at first for what he did for us , for what he gave us ...
Even if what we expect to happen , doesn't happen , he wants us to be patient , full of love , and just to be thankful for what he already gave us...
Cause sometimes we are lamenting cause of what we miss , but we have foods , we have drinks , but there are some other persons who miss even foods enough to eat each day , there are peoples dying because of hunger , because just of lake of foods...
Then , please , when you think about that and when you realize that , please , thank God for what he gave you , even if it's bit , even if it's not enough for you , praise him and just be thankful...
And know that God is righteous, and that he loves you , on the good time , he will give you what you've been asking a long time to him , but firstly , be thankful and pray for others who don't even have what you have ,and God will be on your side and never forget you...

God bless you.

#Daniel Luhanga

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