We must learn from our mistakes

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Many times , being Christians , children of God , servants of God , we are ashamed of our past mistakes , often , we hide them , we don't want people to know them , though those mistakes must serve us to strengthen our brothers and sisters , cause those past mistakes become testimonies of God's grace in our life ...
We must not be ashamed , cause a lot of people are maybe living in those situations we faced before , they are maybe making mistakes or on the way to make the same mistakes than us ; and it's our duty to not hide those things because of our own satisfaction, as to show that we've always been holy , though no one is perfect , we must use the pst mistakes as testimonies , to show that we were unworthy , we never deserved to be saved , to meet God , but him , did us grace anyway .
That our present situation , it's just the result of God's grace .
One of my teachers at school was saying every time :<< an expert is not a person who never failed , and never faced to difficulties; on the contrary, is a person who failed , and faced to problems , difficulties , but overcame them and found solutions ''.
We must learn from our mistakes, and not be ashamed of our past mistakes , but we must use them to help people and to show them that if you succeeded by God's grace , they can also succeed to overcome the situations they are facing .

God bless you.

#Daniel Luhanga

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