Light of the world

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It is preferable to make a good choice about entourage , your closes , to surround with people who share the same ideas than you , the same moral values than you ; people who will rise you when you will fall down , better , people who will help you to not fall at all .
But it doesn't mean that you must distance from all persons who don't know the Lord and who live in a life of sin , otherwise , you won't save anyone...
But simply , be sure that you're a light shining in the darkness , and not a light that is recovered and turned off..
This world needs you , your entourage needs you , be their light and shine on them .
And know that the light is not always accepted , approved ; sometimes you'll fill  sad , because of people rejecting you , withdrawing , because of the righteousness your mouth can proclaim , but always know that their salvation is the most important, greater and not important than your friendship ...
Cause it's preferable that people withdraw from you because of the righteousness of your mouth than they stay by you because of your complaisance ...
Cause they did the same with the prophets , and they were sad and alone , but they were living to accomplish the desire of God's Heart ..
Speak with love , reproach with softness , but never be complaisant , be the light your supposed to be .

God bless you.

#Daniel Luhanga

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