Sophie Rosegold

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It matters not what road we take but rather what we become on the journey.

You are a flower bud. Pure and ready to bloom. But then a bee comes and pollinates you, takes something away from you. Sure, beauty came out of it, because a new life and new beauty for you is now in existence. But now you know things. Things you didn't want to know before.

My daughter is gone, because I needed to give her a better life than I could have given her.  I thought it was a good idea at first, and I stick by that.  But I wanted an open adoption; that kind where you can communicate with the child.  But something in the paperwork was mixed up and I never heard from the family that adopted her. 

Now I'm looking for her...and for someone to help me raise another child.  I want a family, because now I'm able to take care of one. However, I am wondering if I want a male or female partner to help me raise my family.

I wonder...

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