Adrianna Araki

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I look into the window of my homeroom class.  My friends are all gathered around my desk waiting for me to come in and shower them with hugs and stories.  I wonder what they would think if they could read my mind.

I shake off these thoughts and force a smile, then walk into class.

"ADRI!"  Kayley screams.
"Hey, girl, how was your weekend?" Melody asks.
"You wanna go to the mall with me, Adri?"  Shanice yells.

"Hey, guys!" I smile. "What's up Kayley? It was great, Mel!  Sure, Shanice, I'd love to!"

"Hey, Adrianna?" a timid voice asks.  I turn around, and Anthony is standing there. 
"Do-do you think we could, maybe...Can we talk?"  he asks awkwardly.

I grin. "Sure!"  He takes my hand and walks me out to the hallway.  He closes the door and faces me.
"So..well, I've been thinking.  About, um, us.  And, um..." he stammers.  I smile because I think I know what he wants to say.

"I think so too." I say softly.  His ead jerks up. 
"Really?"  he asks.
"Well, just in case let's just say it so we know."  I chuckle.
"Okay.  1...2...3!"
"You're like a brother to me!"
"You're like a sister to me!"
We laugh and hug each other.
"Sooo..we're good now?  It won't be, you know, awkward for us?" Anthony asks nervously.
"Nope." I pop the 'p'.
We head back into class just as it's starting.  I smile and think,
'See? Good days happen.'

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