Anthony Valdez

13 0 0

Everyone has a chapter they don't read out loud.

Euphoria, noun - a feeling of pure enjoyment or happiness that can result from anything at all to nothing at all.

I wonder what that's like. I've read studies about it, and apparently almost every individual being in this world experiences it at least once in their lives.

I've never experienced it, but I'm hoping that I do one of these days. I wonder if my birth mother did. I would guess not if we're in the foster system; euphoric persons do not send their children to the foster system.

My foster parents are mean. I'll just keep it like that. No need to be detailed. They hit me and they yell at me a lot. That's it.

I don't have too many friends, but my girlfriend Adrianna understands where I'm coming from. She's in a very similar situation.

I don't really know if I like Adrianna like that anymore. I mean I did at one point, but now she just seems like a really close relative. I don't know, there's something about her that screams "sister".

I just hope my euphoric moment comes soon. I could use some spontaneous joy right about now.

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