The next flight to Greece

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Chapter thirteen

"Odyne, take care of things while I'm gone." I smiled at her, gripping her shoulder with little strength as if injecting my own into her. She boldly looked me in the eyes and copied my moves, then pulling me into a hug. "You too sis, come back safe." I looked beside her at Caerus that looked sadder than a man should be showing.

"I'm not leaving forever Caerus, try and hold out for me won't you?" I jokingly punched his chest. He frowned and shrugged, "Hey, stop moping like a girl." I grinned and hugged him. "Don't die on me." He huffed. "I'll try." I replied determinedly.

"Hey where's my lovin'?" Artemis snickered, already holding out her arms for me. "You handle that trouble with that best friend of yours and be good." I scolded not seriously and hugging her anyway. "No way! She's a bitch, I'll tell you all about it later." She whispered lowly, low enough even for werewolves to hear. I gave her the look but nodded then continued, "Vulcan, don't avoid your favourite sister!" I growled, hands on my hips when I caught him hiding behind the others.

"Am not!" He scowled, scoffing in denial with his arms crossed. "I'm going away soon, you won't have to hide from me for long." I said sadly, adding that extra tinge of guilt to his conscience. "For fuck sakes woman, you will be coming home or I'm forced to fly there and drag you back with me."

He failed terribly at sounding mad and that made me smile. My brother actually cares, not any brother—Vulcan cares. I locked him in a death grip and a tear actually escaped. "You take care now. I'm not going to hear complains while I'm abroad will I?"

"Not if they don't find out." That's my man, I thought as I muffled a sob. I'm so proud of him even though he's a huge pain in my arse most of the time. "Why can't you stay here with us?" Nyx held my hand, her eyes glued to the converse I bought her that she specially wore today.

"Yeah Tia, stay with us." Rhea's way past the line where I should say 'don't cry' to her cause the leak was too much of a flood to fix. "I would if I could but the way I am now, I don't think I'd last. I want to be better, stronger—you'll understand right?" They both reluctantly agreed, all engaging in a group hug consist of us three.

"Dion, stop drinking so much." He smiled and holds a thumb up, I hugged his large figure as well and smelled the beer he had drunk earlier. "Ares, when's your flight?" He checked his ticket and looked back at me. "At three, two hours after yours." I nodded sadly, "Too bad." I one arm hugged him. "Make me proud." Ares had been called by Lilian, his manager to end his vacation early because he had clients already lining up for him while he was busy dozing off the free time.

"Come home more often, mom would like that. We all would."

"As soon as I can." He promised, grabbing my bags for me and carrying them out and into the car. "Come here Ere, let me give you a hug." I gestured him over with a flick of my finger. "Can we not do this? I have an image to maintain here." He groaned, shuffling further away. "Not even for your big sister? You won't see me for a long time after this." I faked sniffled.

"Ugh! Fine, just once and this doesn't gets out." He surrendered under my commanding force. "Okay! No one mutters a word." I motioned myself zipping up my lips and throwing the key away, smiling shamelessly. "You do know I don't trust you." He grouched, hugging me like a good little boy. "I know." I giggled, ruffling his hair to oblivion, he turned at a snapping sound beside us.

"NYX!" Erebus snarled as she grinned innocently, "Oops, my hand slipped." She reasoned, typing furiously on her phone probably sending the picture to fifty different countries worldwide using the infamous 'internet'. "Paybacks a bitch, twinie!" She chirped, dashing upstairs to get away from Erebus's rage. "I knew she had something up her sleeve." I shook my head—amused.

My fool of a mate (ON HOLD and editing)Where stories live. Discover now