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I got home and said hey to my mom

M/hey honey how was school?
Y/oh good
M/that's good
Y/mom I barely got home
M/just do it
M/thank you also I'm leaving in a bit to see some "professionals" for a story we are trying to publish but they keep calling bullshit
Y/haha that's fine can I have a few friends over
M/sure honey
Y/thanks mom


I go into my room and finish my homework and lay in my bed

I decided to text a few people to come over

iMessages-with Diego,hailey,alex and Carlos

Y/ay hoes
D/hey bby
H/hey girl
A/wassup 🤪
Y/y'all wanna come over my house rn at like 5
D/for sure
A/ya 😊
C/Ima be lonely tho
Y/I'm also inviting this one girl Carlos you can't try to hit it off with her
C/ hell ya be there in a bit then

———5 o'clock rolled around and they all arrived here

Y/hey guys
D/hey baby
H/girl wassup
A/hey y/n
C/where's that girl
Y/she's over in the living room her name is Desi
C/hell ya
A/hailey come over here
Y/Diego what you wanna do
D/where's your room
Y/over here come on

As Diego and I walked over to my room I could see Alex and Hailey making out.

Y/now what
I say to Diego as he closes the door and locking it
D/I love you and I think you know that
Y/haha ya I do

We talked for a while about idek what but soon Diego came leaning into my neck . He kept kissing my neck all around and soon enough he found my sweet spot
D/sweet spot

He kept kissing there and made me moan a few times and soon he started kissing my lips basically making it a make out  scene in my room

Alex's pov

I saw y/n go to her room with Diego and so I decided to pretend to go to the bathroom upstairs near her room

A/Ima go pee real quick
H/need help daddy
A/nah I'm good

I walk to the bathroom and as soon as I lose sight of Hailey I head to y/n's room. I place my ear on the door and hear small moans ofc coming from Y/n
Soon I hear them making out







Y/n pov

Y/Diego we should stop like fr
D/aw why
Y/we can continue in a bit after we talk to Alex and Carlos and hailey and desi for a bit
D/then we come back
Y/yes daddy
Y/daddy come on
D/stop that's making me hard

We walk out of the room and I see Alex going down the stairs


A/oh hey
Y/what have y'all been doing
A/oh nothing just talking, what about you and Diego
Y/nothing really
A/mm ok

I figured something was wrong but I didn't try to figure out what it was

H/hey b
Y/hey girl

After talking for about 40 minuets me and Diego head back to my room

Y/daddy now we are alone
D/just fucking come here

He started kissing me and soon he lays me down on my bed

He starts taking off his shirt

I flip ya over and plant kisses on his body

D/your giving me a boner

Y/I can fix that

Soon I take his pants off and starts sucking

He pulls my hair gently letting me know I'm doing a good job

He soon cums in my mouth

D/fuck that was amazing best head I've ever gotten
Y/lmao ily
D/ily more bby

Soon we just lay there and hear things being thrown downstairs

Y/oh shit cmon
Diego follows from behind me and I see Alex laying on the floor lifeless


I run to Alex crying and pushing him lightly

H/desi had came to the kitchen to get a drink and I left to go get my bag and I came and see her on top of Alex and you could tell he was forcing her off but she wouldn't budge and so I grabbed her trying to pull her off but she grabbed a knife and cut him in his side


De/ I didn't mean to I swear
Y/just get out of here you bitch
C/listen Desi if she doesn't want you here leave it's that simply

Desi left home crying and I pick up Alex and carry him to my car

Haileys mom had came to pick her up and Carlos had to leave too

I take Alex in and the doctors started working on him

I stayed in the waiting room just waiting for the doctors to come back

Please please let him be alive if he dies I will never be happy ever  I will never post anything I will never Love anyone but him forever because I love Alex so much and I don't think just as a friend I love him more than a friend I love him

I repeat that 1000000x in my head crying non stop in the hospital and finally the doctors come out with news


Doc/y/n do we have a y/n in here

Y/yes here

Doc/ok we have something to tell you


Doc/Alex is......


Ima stop here Bc I don't know if anyone will read these and if no one does then why do I continue making them ya know so once ppl start reading them then I'll make more only if you guys like them tho :/



I know I said bye but do you guys want the part 3 our already please comment


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