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Alex went to the bathroom n I grabbed my phone to check up on everything

Messages (1)

I clicked on it to see who it was

Unknown/I miss you, fuck a lot I can't keep going on without you...when we would cuddle n kiss n uhhhhh I really fucking miss you being with me every night💔😭

Y/who's this??

U/that makes this so much better🤦‍♂️


U/it's Diego


U/ya :/

Y/look I'm really sorry we left each other it was for the greater good I mean your I'm a different city now away from me m everyone else I wish you were here too but I have Alex now n I really like him...

U/Ik my bad I just wanted to...maybe one more night with you would make me the happiest


U/wdym idk

Y/I still have Alex

U/fuck him leave


U/u will regret this bby ;))
Read ——-

I put my phone down then watched more tv soon I feel asleep

I woke up but I wasn't in my couch nor in my house

This was somewhere else

U/look I told you I wanted you

Y/Fuck Diego what

It was Diego uhhhh

U/no ma'am not Diego

Y/then who

Jesus Christ it wasn't Diego

It was

Fuck I didn't know

U/now listen babygirl I want to make you feel the best tonight

He placed his hand on my thigh moving it up and down

Y/leave me alone

U/so I will then

He grabbed something from his pocket and placed it in his mouth he then swallowed and left


I started crying

Y/why why me

Soon I heard footsteps coming


This time it was Diego

Y/Fuck help me please

Tears were falling from my cheek

D/why are you here

Y/god I don't know

D/this a gang place alright this is where all the gangs meet up you have to leave now

Y/I don't fucking know where I am nor why your here either

D/look I fucking joined a gang alright


D/what it's not like I matter to you

Y/just because I am not with you doesn't mean I do not still love n care for you

D/alright and

I grabbed his hand and ran out of that place


D/fuck you made a bad mistake

Y/no I didn't shut up

I ran out behind a bush


Y/why did you join a gang?


Y/cause what Diego

D/it was a decision to make

Y/what did you have to choose from

D/kill or be killed

Y/n you choose



I placed me hand on his shoulder

Y/I'm getting you out of this

D/ur gonna get yourself killed

Y/no sir

D/be careful please

Y/no promises

I ran out back to the place

I had found a table which held a few stuff

All I could find was a .223

(Oop my mf favorite gun of all time, lmao it's sexy asf ngl)

I grabbed it n hide in a dark corner

One guy was talking

O/Diego ran out with her we don't need him we need her

Another guy


O/we need to kill her

A/but for what dumbass

I interrupted

Y/why do you need me ?

O/get her

I held the gun up tightly

Y/take another fucking step asshole

He moved up running toward me

I shot him in his chest n the other guy in his head

Y/holy shit

I ran out to Diego holding the gun still

D/what the fuck why do you have a .223

Y/I shot them both my bad :/

D/fuck we need leave now

Diego drove back to my place

When I went inside with Diego Alex was there waiting for us

A/where the hell were you n why with him


A/why do you have a  gun

Y/shut up

Y/long story short

Y/Diego joined a gang n I need up shooting 2 ppl who wanted to murder me :)))

A/oh lord I'm just happy your alright

Y/ya me too but Diego needs to stay somewhere

A/the guest room

D/alright that's fine


Authors note

I was thinking of making a story bout Giovanny Valencia mmmm any thoughts

Yes r no

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