Chapter 1

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I woke up in a strange room out in the middle of nowhere. My head ached so bad and as much as I tried to remember how I got here in the first place I just couldn't, I couldn't remember anything from last night or how I got here. I slowly rose to my feet and walked over to the bed and sat down, observing my surroundings for a phone or anything i could use to contact or call home. But I was let down. As I assumed, nothing no phone or anything I could use. There was stuff scattered throughout the whole room making it extremely messy and difficult to move around in. I started to rummage through the stuff in the room just at that moment I heard a knock on the door and shot up as fast as I could in panic. When I opened the door there was no one there which really freaked me out. I stepped outside to have a quick look around just when someone grabbed me from behind. I trued to scream but no sound came out. I froze in terror and closed my eyes, terrified of who it might be.Slowly they turned me around to face whoever it was, still with my eyes closed and in a female sounding voice they said "open your eyes". I opened my eyes slowly and to my relief it was only Lucy. One of my best friends since pretty much forever. I looked at her puzzled "can you please explain to me how exactly I got here?.." She smiled and started to laugh "do you seriously not remember, wow that's hilarious". Without anything else bring said by either of us she took my hand and led me outside and to the car. " where are we going Lucy?" I studied her in dispute "home of course" she said hopping in the car and started up the engine. The windows of the car all had sunshades on them making it difficult for me to see what was inside. I opened the door to the car and hopped in. To my surprise there was this really cute guy in the back seat with earphones in, he was sitting there staring up at the roof. He wasn't making a sound. Despite his cuteness he looked somewat a zombie with the face he was pulling, looking emotionless. I assumed that he was just another one of Lucy's many 'one night stands' from last night and she was taking him home or something. I got in the car and no one said anything to eachother, it was just silent. I closed my eyes for what I thought was only a few minutes but when I opened them again we driving along a long dirt road with no other cars in sight. I was so tired so I let myself drift back off to sleep for a little bit longer. When I woke up this time I was alone in the car. I sat up properly in my seat and peered out the window to see if I could spot Lucy anywhere or the other guy that was in the car. All I could see was sunset in the far distance through the trees. Everywhere I looked all it just seemed to be trees and more trees. I couldn't see Lucy anywhere and I hoped that wherever she may be that she will be back very soon. I decided to get out of the car and investigate my surroundings. When I opened the door all the cold air rushed into the car making me shiver. I stepped out the car hugging myself to try and stay as warm as I could in this freezing cold weather; even just inhaling the cold air made me quiver. I slowly started walking towards the trees up ahead in the distance still shivering and now rubbing my hands together and trying to keep myself warm but I was only wearing short dress and sandals which, as you would imagine wouldn't be or provide you very much warmth. Every step i took toward the trees seemed it were getting darker and darker the closer I got to the trees. It was almost silent for a moment. Then suddenly I heard a sceam. I was shocked by this and stood there for a moment until I heard the same scream again
Omg that's lucy screaming!! I heard a rattling in the trees ahead. I was so shocked by hearing the scream that I didn't move. The next thing I knew, someone jumped out from behind the trees holding a knife in their hand and running towards me!!
Hey guys I don't think anyone is ever actually gonna read this book anyway but for whoever actually does read it please tell me what you think of it. thanks Xx


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