chapter 4

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*Continuing from last chapter...*

I sat there, preparing myself for something horrible, something dreadful and truly it was. I knew what ever it was had to be bad for her to be acting like this, nervous and apologetic. She just sat there for a moment. Too scared to talk or tell me anything. I don't know if I should have been scared of what she was going to say yo me but truly I was, I was extremely terrified. She let out a long breath ready to begin to explain.. “It all just seemed like a perfectly normal night. The night started off with us just doing the stuff we normally do, you know just for fun. We went out to for a bar for a bit.” “I remember that but after that my mind just went kinda..blank. What else happened after that?” “You stayed having a few drinks like you usually do but you just kept drinking drink after drink and then it all just became too much and I knew you couldn't stay any more..” I nodded, telling her to continue explaining “Well,” she continued “you were so drunk and you just really had to leave so you hopefully wouldn't be tempted to have any more drinks and go somewhere to get some rest, but I was way too drunk myself to drive you anywhere, so I...” I sat up, straightening my back and stared deeply into her eyes. How is it possible that I couldn't remember any of this? This is all so confusing. I drew my attention back to what Lucy was saying to me. “I didn't know then...what would have happened or that he could have actually been that..bad. I'm truly sorry and I know you probably are going to hate me now but i just wanted to let you know how sorry I am..” She said with her eyes swelling up with tears, trying to hold them in. “Lucy, what are you talking about, what guy?” She couldn't hold it back any longer and the tears started trickling down her face as she sobbed. “Because I was too drunk to drive you, I asked someone to volunteer to drop you off somewhere for the night. U really was thinking things through...” She took in a deep breath and continued " it was the guy that was in the car with us She looked down feeling incredibly bad for what she had done. “Wait that exact guy? The one who pointed the gun at my head?! “ I questioned in shock. She nodded disappointingly “I'm sorry I didn't he'd do anything like that. He seemed so nice.. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have just trusted someone I don't know, especially with my best friend” Yeah, I was furious that she just trusted some random stranger, but she is my best friend and I know it wasn't her fault. How would she know he was going to do something like..that. “Lucy, I am extremely mad at you but I know it wasn't your fault, and we can't afford to lose each other now, especially with all of this stuff happening.” I moved and sat with her on her bed; hugging her “You don't have to forgive me. I will understand if you don't want to be friends any more or have me in your life.” she said looking down at the ground, still sobbing “Omg no Lucy it's okay. Stop jumping to conclusions, I forgive you and of course we are still friends I..just really need you in my life right now” She pulled away from the hug smiling once again “I think we need each other more than ever of these few days” We both shared a short moment of laughter between the both of us and both fell asleep almost straight after. Which was good because right now we really need a nice and peaceful rest while it lasts. I woke up in the middle of the night, my mind racing with thoughts. I turned on the light to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Lately I haven't been sleeping much, even before that night. The other morning I had gone to the doctors to get some perspective sleeping tablets to take every night. I opened the packet looking at the pills. Then it came to me. The reason that I can't remember anything, it was finally starting to make sense. I was drugged.. ------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading. Please vote and tell me what you think and what I need to improve for next chapter. Thanks -hope

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