Chapter 3

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This is crazy! My heart was pounding so fast inside of my chest i felt as if it would just jump out any second now. I don't know why any of this was happening. And where could this guy could have come from? Did he follow us all the way here?! I was panicking intensely. I don't think I've ever been this scared in my whole life actually but if you ever have experienced this or do like in this situation with some random stranger in the back of your own car pointing a gun at your head that might possibly or maybe even definitely going to kill you, then you would understand how this, and i feel right now. I dared not to move; not even a muscle. I looked at him through the front mirror in the car "What do you want from me?!" I yelled at him through all my shaking and trembling. I made sure not to act too tough nor show too much weakness either. I closed my eyes prepared for a gunshot to the side of my head but there was nothing. I slowly open my eyes and looked back at him in the mirror. He slowly withdrawn his gun and layed it down on the seat beside him. He looked back at me, pitiful for a moment then went back to being serious once again. "I need you to give me the keys and get out of the car now! And don't think i won't shoot you either!!" i was in complete panic now and I didn't know what to do. Without thinking it through i grabbed the bag filled with food and drink we just bought and wacked him in the head hard. I jumped out of the car as soon as I could taking the bag of food and drinks with me. I signed to Lucy "Come on het out of the car now we need to go while we have the chance!" With no hesitation she jumped out of the car. We started running, not really knowing where exactly where we were going but i didn't really care. I just need to get away from here. We didn't stop running until the sun went down and it was going dark. Lucy and I were both extremely puffed out from all that running. I just needed some rest and conveniently there was a hotel just down the end of the road. We really needed somewhere to sleep for the night. For some strange reason this place seems kinda..familiar.. Which was really strange since I haven't been anywhere near here before; or at least that i remember. The hotel was pretty much empty. There was only 1 room that wasn't available, number 3. We ended up after the lady telling us about all the different rooms choosing number three so we could each have a queen bed and a spa bath in the bathroom to relax in. It was extremely lucky that my wallet and phone were in the food and drink bag, otherwise we would have been totally screwed and nowhere to sleep. As soon as I opened the door to the room I went straight in and took my shoes on; plopping onto the bed. We were both exhausted. And strangely I still couldn't remember anything from that night at all. It was time for some answers. I sat up and turned to look at Lucy. I took in a deep breath "Lucy now that we are here, away from that person and hopefull safe for now, i need you to tell me everything that happened that night" She just stared at me for a moment looking too scared to say what happened "everything " she said looking worried. I stared deep into her eyes and nodded "yes, everything beginning to end." She let out a sigh "okay, I'll tell you but I don't know if you will like it.."

Short chapter sorry. For anyone who reads it please tell me what you think and maybe give me a few tips too. Thanks

This Is Who You Are NowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora