Chapter 5

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At that moment my heart sank deep into my chest, I don't understand when or how this all happened. I walked out of the bathroom and sat back on the bed just staring up at the ceiling. I laid back down in my bed and through the covers over myself; although I wanted to try to make sense of this all now was not the time. I closed me eyes and drifted off to sleep ready to work everything out in the morning.

I am awoken to the curtains being opened, letting all the sunlight pour into the room. I put my hand over me eyes slightly shielding them from the sunlight. I lay there for a few minutes hoping I will fall back asleep but sadly I don't.

I sat up in my bed and looked over to see Lucy on her phone. She turns to me, forcing a smile. “How did you sleep?” she asked. I sighed and shook my head “Not very well actually, especially after what happened yesterday.” She doesn't respond instead she looks down at the floor with a blank expression on her face.

“Lucy, are alright?” I ask knowing what the answer will be. She keeps her focus on the ground and slowly starts to shake her head. “No not really, yesterday was horrible. I really hoped that when I woke up this morning that it would all have been a dream but I guess it wasn't..” she slowly starts to look up as tears start trickling down her cheeks.

I move to sit next to her on the bed and pull her in for a hug, letting her cry onto my shoulder. She wipes away the rest of her tear and faces me once again “I'm sorry, I'm not using this vulnerable. These last few days have just been a bi-” I cut her off mid-sentance. “A bit overwhelming?” I ask.

She nods and letting out a slight laugh. “Don't worry things will get better soon, we just have to keep believing.” I reassure her, giving her a smile.

Lucy was right, these last few days have been a bit overwhelming but no matter what we do I know this is something we won't be able to forget that easily. Lucy and I both pack up our stuff in silence, ready to leave this place as soon as we can. I still need to tell her about my realisation but now was not the time; especially since things were just starting to feel a bit better.

As we walked out of room and down the stair I saw a glimpse of a person looking at us through their room window. It looked like the guy from yesterday..but I didn't want to believe it. I turned away quickly and looked back towards the window, only to see no one there. Although it was creepy, I remained calm not wanting to freak out Lucy. I told myself that it was just my imagination but I knew that it wasn't.

I continued walking down the rest of the stair trying to forget what I thought I saw.. I returned the room keys to the owners of the hotel and started on the drive home after the unforgettable last few days we have had. Remaining quiet and trying to stay focused on the road until it was time to tell Lucy what happened or at least what I thought happened that night at the bar..

----------------------------------------------------------------------- Short Chapter, Thank you for anyone who actually reads my book. Please vote, comment and tell me any improvements needed.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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