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Calum: sorry babe I was at a gig
Calum: wots happened?

Me: it's okay I saw on twitter
Me: she's back

Calum: my ex?

Me: no
Me: my fake money stealing friend
Me: Katie Harrison

Calum: no way

Me: way
Me: she keeps messaging me on social media
Me: she's basically blanked me for ages after stealing my money
Me: now she's trying to weasel her way back in

Calum: that's crazy
Calum: can neither of us catch a break?!

Me: nope 😞

Calum: just ignore her babe
Calum: when u start responding she's gonna think she's won

Me: I know
Me: I've blocked her so far but knowing her this won't be the end
Me: she'll somehow get in

Calum: don't sound so negative
Calum: she won't get past us
Calum: my ex couldn't nd she won't

Me: you're right.
Me: I'm just scared she's going to somehow get me wrapped round her finger like last time and I'll lose even more money that I don't have
Me: that or somehow she'll use your fame

Calum: I'll keep an eye out for her

Me: be careful

Calum: u2

Me: love you ❤️

Calum: 😘😘

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