One Goal: Survival

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As the thing in front of me latches onto my wrist, I let out a blood curdling scream.

It's nails send tidal waves of pain radiating through my arm as its nails dig into my skin. It's hideous teeth snap at the air as it tries to bite me.

I try to yank my arm away desperately, but I fail. I can feel the bile rise in the back of my throat as I look at it. The hollow eyes stare intently at my blood as it seeps out of my wrist and drops on the floor, pooling out around its feet.

I let out another gut wrenching scream and try to yank my arm away, but once again, I fail. As I scream out of pain, it yanks me forward and my hip clashes with the table, causing my legs to almost give out.

As it narrowly misses sinking its teeth into my wrist, the door to the front room bursts open and slams against the wall, catching that thing's attention.

My head whips to the side as the echo reverberates through the room. The thing across the table from me yanks my arm and just manages to sink its teeth into my flesh as Caleb shoots it in the head.

It's grip loosens on my wrist and it falls to the ground, limp and lifeless.

Just as my legs give out and I begin to fall, Mason catches me and holds me up. "You okay cous?" He asks me, concern lacing his words.

"Yeah, just a little..." I trail off slightly, looking around at the worried faces before continuing. "Just a little dizzy. Not to mention my wrist is absolutely killing me."

He looks at me and motions to my wrist. I look down and see the blood streaming down my wrist and hand. It looks deep enough to scar. And the bite Mark is disgusting.

Caleb walks over to us and gently takes my wrist in his hand, checking my injuries. I soon catch myself staring at him, for the third time today! God, snap out of it woman!

He looks up at me with worried and sad eyes, and I can immediately sense that something's wrong, so, very wrong.

"You're gonna 'ave to come with us, darlin'. Gotta clean that wound, wouldn't want it gettin' infected, would we? C'mon, come with us." Derek says, approaching us.

I take an instinctive step backwards and raise my hand for him to stop.

"Look, I got no idea who, or what, you are, but I ain't going nowhere with you. I mean, for God sakes, who do you think I am, man? I'm in no rush to die. Like, you just killed someone, in a school. Na- uh, not happening." I rush out.

I look into the crowd and see Lola and Cassidy. They're both watching this unfold, staring wide eyed at us.

Lola mouths the words, "what's going on," to me. All I can do to answer her question is shrug.

Derek finally speaks up again. "They weren't people." He says in his defense.

"Really? Then what are they?" I question.

"-" I interrupt him before he can even get any words out.

"They sure as hell looked like people to me!" I state. "Just very cannibalistic and ill people..." I add quietly.

"They weren't people," Derek persists.

"Then what we're they? The walking dead?" I question, irritated.

Caleb raises an eyebrow at my question, while Derek just nods ever so slightly.

Wait?... WHAT?!? HE NODS?!?

"So you finally understand now, eh?" Both Caleb and Derek ask in perfect synchronisation.

How do they do that?

"So you're gonna have to come with us, little missy." Caleb says with an arrogant attitude.

Oh no he didn't, no one calls me that!

"Exuse me?!? I don't take orders from you, and need I remind you that you just killed... something... Who's to say that you won't just kill me?!?" I shriek. I do not like people telling me what to do!

Mason suddenly steps in front of me, blocking Caleb and Derek from seeing me.
"She's not going anywhere with you." He growls threateningly.

"Oh yeah? And who's gonna stop us from taking her, you?" Caleb challenges.

You know, I really don't like this guy.

"Yeah, me!" Mason retorts. Wow. This is a first, kinda.

Two guys are actually fighting over me! This actually reminds me of in high school, when two boys got into a full on fist fight over me. One ended up with a concusion, the other with broken knuckles, and, well, me with a black eye and a bust lip. Yup, it's what happens when you try to break up a fight when two guys are actually fighting over you.

Don't get me wrong though, I wouldn't hesitate to do it again. It was sort of, funny. Ya know, getting to act like a damsel in distress, and getting carried away by your crush of five years, Blake Bradly.

Anyways, back to the present.

"And you really think that if you touch me I won't hesitate to lodge a bullet in your head?" Caleb threatens.

"Whoa son, calm down." Derek interferes.

"C'mon. We need to assess your cousins injuries. We won't hurt her. You have my word." Derek tries to sooth Mason.

Mason looks at me. Silently asking if I'll be okay. I nod at him, still clutching my wrist.

Mason steps aside and Caleb takes my hand, beginning to lead me to the doors and towards the toilets.

"You're going to kill me, aren't you?" I ask in a shaky voice.

When my question is greeted by silence, I take that as an answer. I wrench my hand away from Caleb and run towards the toilets.

I successfully lock myself in one of the stalls before they catch me.

Now I only have one goal: Survival.

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