idiot alert

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"You've got to be kidding me! Get out here already!" Caleb sighs in frustration.

"Let her calm down son, it's gonna be hard to come to terms with this." Derek soothes.

"She's been in there for nearly an hour! She needs to come out!" Caleb practically shouts.

"I'm sure she'll come out when she's ready." Derek defends me.

"If she's not already one of them." Caleb shouts.

"I'm still alive here you know." I croak out.

"Darling, you need to come out now, I promise that we're not going to hurt you. We just need to sort out your wrist. Okay?" Derek ensures.

"I believe you won't hurt me, but what about him?" I ask.

"Caleb won't do anything, right son?" Derek asks Caleb.

It's silent for a while and I'm beginning to think that they left. But that would be awful. Seen as I can barely move my wrist and I'm losing blood, fast.

After a while, I hear Caleb reply.

"No, I won't." Is his gruff response.

"Come out now, darling. You might not won't to admit it, but you need to sort your wrist out." Derek says calmly.

"Oh-kay." I squeak out.

On very shaky legs, I stand up from my kneeling position on the floor and unlock the door. As it creaks open, I see Derek's shocked face. Then Caleb's surprised face.

I shuffle out of the stall and use the wall to support myself. I look around to see if anyone else is here but I see no one. I catch sight of myself in the mirror.

I look awful. My face is void of any colour and my hands are blood drenched. My legs look like they could give out at any second and I have tear stains down my face. I look like someone who just had an encounter with Michael from Halloween.

I feel weak and light headed. I'm starting to see black dots dancing in my line of vision. My head is throbbing and I don't think I can hold myself up any longer.

"Melanie... Come here, we need to sort you out, and fast." Derek breaks the thick silence.

I nod my head begin shuffling towards them, still cradling my wrist. As I reach them the throbbing in my head becomes unbearable and my knees buckle.

Before I hit the floor, I feel myself in strong arms before I get picked up and carried out bridal style. As we come to a classroom door, I allow myself to slip into unconsciousness.

I wake up feeling a sizzling pain in my wrist. I scream but its muffled by something. But I don't know what.

As my eyes shoot open, I feel a dull pain dancing around the back of my temples. I try to move my limbs but I'm being held down. I look down and see Caleb and Derek holding me down while mason pours something into my open wound.

I'm about to ask what's happening when he pours it in again and the scorching pain returns. I let out a strangled scream of pain and try to jerk away, but I'm held tightly in place by the two hunters.

"Stop. Moving." Caleb grits out.

I do as told and soon they release their hold of me. I can hardly move, I'm that exhausted.

I'm to exhausted to even react with more than a flinch when I feel them stitching my wrist.

I see Caleb lean over to me and he takes out whatever's I'm my mouth.

I watch him set it aside and I realise that it's a belt.

He turns back around and smiles at me.

"How you holding up?" He asks gently.

I open my mouth to answer but can't because of how dry it is. And I mean like Sahara desert dry.

He gets up and walks off, only to return a minute later with a bottle of water.

I silently thank him as he helps me sit up to drink the water.

When I gulp down the entire contents of the water bottle, I turn to look at Caleb.

"Why are you helping me if you want to kill me?" I croak out.

"I don't want to kill you." He states bluntly.

"Yes you do. You think I'm one of them." I deadpan.

Regret floods his features and he drops his head. With a sigh he raises his head and looks into my eyes.

"Look, I was wrong, ok? You're not one of them. If you were, you would have turned a while back. I was just being stubborn and ignorant. I don't want to kill you okay?" He admitted, genuine truth lingering in his tone.

"I believe you."

His eyes flashed with something. Relief. No. Intrigue. Probably not.

I'll just have to find out later.

"How long was I out?" I ask, my voice strained from exhaustion.

"Nearly two hours. We had quite the hustle and fights from the students. They were just trying to convince us to kill you. When you started to look really ill, that's when we got you here. Lucky we did to, cause with the amount of dirt in your wound, you would have gotten a bad infection."

I can't believe what he just said.

"Who?" I ask.

"Never mind that, anyways, how you holding up?" He questions with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"Fine. A bit sore in the limbs, but ya know, just chilling and waiting for the blood to circulate properly again."

"I'm so sorry for earlier. I was being an idiot and a jerk. I should have considered your feelings before acting." He looked at me with pleading eyes.

"It's fine." I look straight at the wall before adding for humor, "Maybe we should install a warning system so we can all hide before you do something drastic next time. I'm thinking calling it the idiot alert."

That last statement entices a hearty laugh from Caleb.

"That was a good one." He chuckles.

"Whatever, jerk face." I retort.

"Do you want to say that again?" He raises a mocking eyebrow, though his tone was challenging.

"What are you gonna do if I do?" I ask, returning the mockery.

"Do you really wanna find out?" He questions, a smirk slowly forming on his face.

I become silent, suddenly realising that we are alone.

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