force of nature

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Just then, I realize that we are alone.

Oh. I'm so screwed.

Please whatever God's are listening, don't do this to me. I'm hopeless in these situations.

"You just gonna stare at the door all day or are you gonna speak?" Caleb questions.

When I don't reply he smirks, leaning down towards me. "Are you scared. Aww." He mocks.

"Scared? Hell no." I snort.

"Really?" I nod. "Then prove it." He whispers.

Before I can come out with a snarky remark, he starts leaning his face towards mine. I freeze.

His lips are just about to touch mine, but something stops that from happening.

Suddenly the door swings open with Lola and Cassidy at the threshold.

"Ugh. Why must you two ruin everything?" Caleb groans.

"No way you're getting rid of them mate. We ride together, we die together." I tell him, smiling triumphantly.

He grumbles something along the line of: girls are so weird.

"Excuse me mate. What did you just say?" Cassidy growls.

"Nothing." Caleb replies almost instantaneously.

Haha. He's scared of Cassie.

"Yeah, just what I thought." She glares at him. He looks at me and I shrug.

"We all need to go to the conference hall. Someone's here to 'help' us. Apparently." Lola sighs and runs her hands through her hair.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" I jump off of the table and grab a coat, making sure that it will cover my arm. "Let's go. Come on, move, move, move!" I usher everyone out of the room. I close the door and we head towards the sound of murmurs and a microphone being set up. Caleb pushes the door open and we see rows upon rows of students all staring in confusion at the front of the hall.

I look to where they seem to be staring begrudgingly at and I see a crazy looking guy. His hair is greying and is wildly frizzy. His face is pale and wrinkly and he's wearing a white lab coat. He looks like a mad scientist.

We sit at a table at the back but unfortunately, I can't see. I sit on the table and I can see. Finally. I look over at Caleb and see him staring at me in amusement. "What?" I ask, irritated. He chuckles and shrugs before looking away. I roll my eyes and lean over to talk to Caleb. "What's the deal with this guy anyway?"

He looks over at me and takes a deep breath. "Well, apparently he used to be a scientist who predicted this around 5 years ago. He ran around in the streets shouting that his predictions were of valid truth and the apocalypse would happen soon. In the end, he locked up in a high security mental asylum and the public were told that he committed suicide. Guess they lied." He explains and my eyebrows twitch in worry.

"So if he got sent to a high security mental asylum, then what's he gonna say to everyone? Is he really mental?" I question and Caleb simply shrugs.

"Dunno. Never really had the chance to talk to him, ya know what I mean?" I look at him and see him smirking at me. I clap him over the head and just then, the guy at the front begins to talk.

"Well as I am sure you are all aware, THE APOCALYPSE IS HERE!!!" He yells, almost deafening everyone. "There is no stopping it. It is a force of nature. We began to destroy this earth. And now, now mother nature wants it back. YOU'RE ALL DOOMED!" He screeches and everyone covers their ears because of the volume.

Force of nature? This guy is straight up kookie dukes.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jan 01, 2019 ⏰

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