Messages and real feelings/scenarios i try to get across in my stories

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Specifically AT and GP
I don't think this list will contain spoilers but they are themes to look for in upcoming/current chapters

these are the current ones (brownie points if you can spot them)
Which ones do you think apply best?

•in the face of heartbreak, one can be very stupid/reckless

•cheating is not condonable and will only lead to more problems (short term pleasure for a long term f*ck you)

•there is a time and a place when a relationship starts, and it's not love at first sight

•healing takes a shit ton of time, and if pain isn't properly dealt with, it may take even longer

•heartbreak doesn't heal fast, don't expect it to

•blurred lines between good and evil, right and wrong

•let bad things go

•love fades (even if the two love each other very much), it requires effort to make a relationship last

•forgive. Even if they aren't sorry.

•before someone can be in a relationship, they should probably find themselves/do some self discovery/become an individual before they pursue other people

•let yourself cry sometimes.

•sometimes the person who looks out for everyone wants to be looked out for too

•people care in their own ways, even if it appears annoying or meaningless, they care

•sometimes people push others away when they need them, but they can't always expect the other person to come back, even if the other person should

•sacrifice comes in many forms

•doing right/good is difficult

•it's a smol world after all

•even if it seems like someone doesn't care, you don't really know their true intents

Even if you have no reason to be nice to them!!!

•actually listen to people

•even the most well put together and responsible people can struggle and face their own hardships

•sometimes it has nothing to do with you. surprise surprise, things are not all about you

•if you want to make friends/allies, don't be a dick. That someone has connections to people who you don't want to be a dick to.

•trauma takes effects, even if you think you're fine

•not everyone will love you back

•you might be really really sad but like, don't give up. Keep going and it'll get better.

•you can't force love to work

•if you use your past/personal experiences as excuses to do rude/awful things, you lose the right to call yourself a victim (a bit extreme I guess, but people might not pity you or take your side)


•things make a whole lot more sense when you see everyone's perspective :)

There are probs more but these are the current ones I could think of

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