The Presenter

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The Presenter Moonwalkers always do class reports on Michael or give lectures on his legacy. I am this type of Moonwalker, last year I had to make a poster for my class to describe myself in pictures and I put a bunch of 80's artist and way more Michael than anyone. Every time I do anything Michael related in school I get side eyed but it's okay because us Presenter Moonwalkers don't care!


Teacher: Okay class, today we are going to begin a project where you can choose an important figure from HIStory.

Students: "Uugghhhh!!!"

Presenter Moonwalkers: *Jumps out of seat* "YES!"

Teacher: "Since your so excited, would you care to share who you want to do a repor-"


Students: "Ummmmm..."


Hey Moonwalkers!!!

Yes, I am finally back with another update!!!

I haven't updated in a while because I was running short on ideas.

But, I'm back with some new material!!!


Peace and Love,

Woman in the Mirror

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