Chapter 19

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Dana POV

My pregnancy is going great, besides Leland not leaving me alone for two seconds. I mean the other day I tried to go to the toilet, and he was gonna go with me!

"Look. I'm fine with everything else. But we are NOT going this far with it. What are you gonna do, hold my hand while I take a massive dump?" I said to him.

"Not unless you want me to."

"UGGGH just... Just stay here, and I'll be out in a second. M'kay? M'kay." I tried keeping my cool and left to the bathroom. I love him, but he can get on my nerves. I thought while walking off.

Today we were going to my first ultrasound. I'm so excited even though I know we won't know what it is until later. Just to hear that my baby is doing well in my belly is amazing. It's been a while since I've dealt with this business, so I'm a little nervous at the same time. But the fact that this time, I'm doing it with a trustworthy, loyal man makes up for it.

Leland opened the door for me as we entered the office. "I'll check you in, you go sit down okay?" I rolled my eyes and said yes, making him smile. That actually was the first real smile from him I've seen in a while. Ever since Campbell messed up-- he hasn't been the same. In fact he rarely talks to her. I've tried to get him to let it go, but he won't listen. And if you know the Chapman's, they are some stubborn motherfuckers.

Moments later he came back and sat down next to me. "They'll be out for you in a minute." He paused and looked at my stomach.

"Yes I know I'm already getting fat. Don't rub it in." He chuckled and placed his hand over it.

"You're beautiful either way. I'm just excited that there's a little person in there that's gonna be born. And with this one, things can be okay. I can be completely honest, about everything." A smile formed on his face. I put my hand over his and we looked into each other's eyes. He could tell I was a little worried. "Don't worry. I'm not leaving you or our child-- ren." He corrected himself.

"Mr. Chapman and Ms. Grey?" The female doctor came from a door. We got up and followed her back into another room. We entered and I saw the monitor and the chair I sit in. "Have a seat ma'am." I sat my purse down and plopped into the chair. "Hello, I'm Dr. Lakiki, it's very nice to meet you two," we shook her hand. She was a very pretty Hawaiian woman with dark skin and hair. "Today we will do your first ultrasound. You will have to do these monthly, just to make sure the baby's heartbeat and growth is going well. Is this your first child?"

"No ma'am, I have a 15 year old daughter and 3 stepchildren as well, but it's been a pretty good while since I've done it," I laughed.

"Well just in case, we'll run through it once more." She explained the process of the ultrasound and what the baby is supposed to look and sound like at this stage. Once I was ready, she began.

30 Minutes Later

The baby is growing as it should, and I even got to hear a heartbeat! That was truly amazing hearing that. Leland was truly happy too, I could tell by his face. He tries really hard not to make it obvious, but you can always see what he's thinking in his face. Seeing the way he felt about the unborn child, I hope he'll take my notions and give the child that needs him right now the attention she deserves.

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