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Luke's POV

"Who do you think it could be?" I asked Calum and Michael, it was lunch and I'd been bugging them all day about who my note writer could be because it was all that was on my mind and I was really anxious to see who it was.

"We don't know so will you shut up?" Michael snapped at me but I shrugged it off, I knew I was being annoying; I just really wanted to know their opinion.

"I just want an opinion from you."

"Fine, we think it's Ashton ok? Happy now?" Michael snapped again but this answer brought me joy.

"Ashton? Really? Are you sure, why?"

"Because he's always looking at you and it's so obvious that he likes you." Calum butted in.

"How so?" I was very curious now and slightly excited.

"Why else would he look at you when getting changed for P.E?" Calum said like it was obvious.

"He looks at me when getting changed??" My eyes were slightly wide as my happiness and shock rose.

"Yes now will you shut up?" The conversation was back with Michael.

"Oh my god, I can't believe he likes me! Why didn't you tell me?"

"We thought it was pretty obvious."

"Well it wasn't and you knew I was getting notes so why didn't you just tell me straight out you thought it was Ashton and not try and let me figure it out, which may I add wasn't a good idea because I didn't get it."

"Look we're sorry but now you know so do something about it but please stop talking about it, I'm trying to eat and you're disturbing me."

"Ignore him, he's just being grumpy. I'm sorry we didn't tell you." Calum took over from Michael once again.

"It's fine but now what do I do?" I was suddenly nervous.

"Go talk to him, befriend him and then ask him about them but not straight off. Even if it's not him then at least he's your friend and if it is him then you don't wanna freak him out."

"Ok, ok but when do I talk to him?"

"Now, go on. He's over there by himself, go." Calum said and tried pushing me in the direction of Ashton. I dug my heels in though.

"But what if it isn't him?"

"What does it matter? He definitely likes you anyway."

"Wait but-Calum!" I tried to protest but Calum had already pushed me to Ashton so he noticed me but Calum scurried off back to Michael.

"Hi." I said awkwardly and he smiled up at me before responding,


"Er, why are you alone?" I asked curiously.

"I don't really have any friends." Ashton suddenly looked a little sad and so I was quick to sit down opposite him.

"You don't mind if I sit here?"

Ashton's smile then returned and he shook his head as he said, "I'd be happy for you to."

"Thanks." I smiled at him as he just sort of stared at me, making me feel a little awkward. "So, why don't you have any friends to sit with?"

"I'm not the best at socialising and so I just really have acquaintances."


"It's fine though, it doesn't really bother me." Ashton smiled at me again.


"Yeah, I actually kind of enjoy my own company, not to sound weird or anything." Ashton laughed and I laughed with him. I really liked his laugh, it was really cute.

"I don't think that's weird and for the record, you're doing pretty well at the whole socialising thing."

"You bring it out of me." Ashton smiled and I cringed.

"Way to be cheesy there." I laughed at him again causing his smile to widen.

"I'm sorry, I must sound really weird, though I think this is the longest conversation we've ever had." Ashton pointed out.

"So it is." I smiled yet again and he looked down at the table.

"Why are you talking to me?" He turned the conversation a little more serious.

"I just thought you looked a little lonely and I'd like to get to know you." I didn't completely lie, I did want to get to know him, he just doesn't know about the note reasoning.

"Thanks, that's a first from somebody."

"I can't see why, you seem pretty cool." I tried to brighten up his mood.

"Thanks, you seem pretty cool too."

The bell then went, signalling that we should get moving to lesson. I looked at Ashton and asked, "What lesson do you have?"


"So we're together, cool, we can talk more." I then stood up and told him I'd see him in lesson before walking over to Calum, Michael had already left.

"How'd it go?" Calum asked.

"Good, he seems to like me." My smile widened at the thought of the person I fancy liking me back. It was a nice thought.

"Well I'm happy for you mate, though for your sake I hope he is your secret admirer, it'd be slightly awkward if it's someone else."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I hope so too."

"Well now that we agree, we need to get moving, can't be late for Mr Bates otherwise you know we'll get a detention because you know he just hates kids. Our class especially."

I laughed for what felt like the millionth time in 10 minutes and agreed with Calum again before we made our way out of the canteen and to our lockers. At least my next hour was next to Ashton.


A/N: I'm sorry I made you guys wait so long for this but I hope some of you at least still want to read this, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't though.  I'm sorry this is rubbish too.

Thanks for voting and commenting on the last chapters and for those of you who have been patient enough to wait, I hope it won't be long till I update again.

Goal: 15 votes and 10 comments. Thanks for reading xx

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