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Everyone on the ship cheered! They had just escaped death by the skin of their teeth and it was all thanks to Jim Hawkins! He soars around the ship, in his rinky-dinky hover board, throwing his fist up in the air and cheering.

"Didn't I say the lad had greatness in him," Silver cheers while Morph turns into confetti.

Jim flies along side the ships main deck, making sure he has a safe enough distance before he hops unto it. The wannabe hover board flying off into empty space. Morph bombards him with sloppy kisses, while Dr. Dobbler and Captain Amelia rush over to him smiling.

"Unorthodox but, ludicrously effective," Captain Amelia states.

Morph flies away and Jim smiles, looking down embarrassed.

"I'd be proud to recommend you to the Interstellar Academy. They could use a man like you," she informs.

Morph flies over to Silver and nestles into his shoulder. They both look at each other and smile proudly. Dr. Dobbler smacks Jim's arm amicably.

"Wait until your mother hears about this!" He chimes excitedly.

Silver looks at Morph and puts a finger to his mouth, silently shushing him as he nods his head towards the carriage holder. They escape in silence as Ben goes over to hug Jim.


"Morphy...we gotta make tracks!" Silver silently explained to his beloved pet.

He untied the rope, which was holding the long-boat secure. He then made his way to the other side to do the same.

"You never quit do you?" Jim rhetorically asks from behind him.

The cyborg freezes mid step, his eyes widening just a bit. He turns around quickly, laughing nervously and shaking his head.

"Ah, Jimbo...ha,ha," he says, moving back to tie the rope he just undid; mediocrely securing it.

"I was jus' merely checkin' to make sure our las long-boat was safe and secure."

Jim walks over to him, scratching his chin, "Mmmm."

He kneels down and grabs the rope in his hands.

"Well...that should hold it," he says, redoing the poorly done knot.

"I taught you too well," Silver annoyingly chuckles when he sees Jim smirk at him.

They both stand. Silver then goes on to explain why they're trying to escape. All the while, Jim stares at him sadly.

However, after a long pause a smile tugs at the corner of Jim's mouth and he reaches over and pulls down the leaver that opens the gate, just below the long-boat. Silver smiles as he watches Jim untie the noose and throw the rope onto the boat. He asks Jim to sail away with him, promising him fun, adventure and freedom to do whatever they want. A genuine chuckles escapes Jim's lips.

"You know, when I got on this boat...I would've taken that offer in a second. But uh...I met this old Cyborg...and he taught me that, uh, I can chart my own course..."

Jim looks over at Siler, who in turn is smiling at him proudly. He then looks away, towards the beautiful rosey colored space beneath them.

"...and that's what I'm gonna do," Jim finishes, his tone low and serious.

"And what do you see off that power of yours?" Silver ask, taking a step closer to him.

"A future," Jim replies, turning to face his friend.

Silver closes his eyes, chuckling, and shakes his head.

"Hehehe, look at cha'. Glowing like a silver're something special Jim."

Jim looks at him and his heart tugs in his chest. He can feel the corner of his eyes begin to water but he keeps his cool.

"You're gonna rattle the stars, you are," Silver continues, his voice choking up as he tries to suppress a sob.

Jim's lower lip quivers and his eyes tear up. He sees Silver open his arms to him and he goes in for a hug. They embrace each other.

Silver hugs him back, like a proud Father would hug his beloved son. Jim silently thanks the man who, on this whole voyage, kept him under his wing.

Although there was betrayal...he knew he could never hate him for it. John Silver was more of father to him then his biological one. Jim respected him and didn't want to see Silver go to jail.

Suddenly, Silver breaks the hug and takes a step back, clearing his throat. They both obscurely wipe away the tears from their eyes. Morph suddenly cries, morphing into a puddle of tears in Jims hands. He couldn't help up chuckle.

"Awe Morph, I'll see you around."

"See you around," Morph mimics, sadly.

He glided over to Silver, frowning. Silver looks at his pet and then clears his throat.

"Morphy! I gots a job for ya," Silver says seriously.

Morph points at himself.

"I need you to keep an eye on this here pup....(Jim looks at him, eyes wide)...will ya do me that f-fa-favor?" Silver asks, his voice cracking.

Morph smiles happily and salutes him before flying back over to Jim excitedly. Jim laughs when Morph rubs up against his face, carefully hugging him to his cheek.

Meanwhile, Silver gets on the long-boat and begins to descend towards the open gate. He turns to Jim, abruptly, and throws him some treasure he had managed to take before they escaped the exploding planet. He instructs Jim that it's for his mom to rebuild her Inn. Jim looks at the treasure and a "I can't believe you," laugh escapes his lips. Silver grins widely at him.

"Stay out of old scalawag."

"Why, hehe, Jimbo lad. When have I ever done other wise?" Silver boisterously laughs.

He takes off his hat and waves Jim goodbye before flying away.


Treasure Planet 2; Rescue John Silver [FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now