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I've just done my own & Steph's make up & we all look hot as shit. If anyone disagrees, they're blind or have serious problems.

Cleo makes us down a drink before we leave just to top off how drunk we already are.

We have to make sure Cleo looks okay before we step foot in the house. She wants to make sure she looks good for Colby.

We open the doors to see crowds of people all piled into the house.

We all tell Steph to let loose and not be a mom for the night and we go to get a drink that Cleo points out is in the living room.

I pick up a bottled beer and we all move to sit on the sofa in the corner.

We make a pact to achieve 3 goals by the end of the night; 1. Make friends, 2. Pull a hot guy, and 3. Get very, very drunk. (Providing it's safe to do so..)

I get up as do the other girls and I walk towards the stairs. Walking up the stairs I must have passed about 20 odd people, maybe more.

I push open the door on the far left and walk in the room to a bunch of people sat around in a circle. It looks as if their playing spin the bottle so I ask to join them. It looked pretty intense.

"Sure, just sit anywhere around the circle!" One guy says, gesturing me over.

I moved to sit in-between two girls as I look around to scan who is there.

Fuck me. Not literally, I'm not Cleo...but sat directly across from me is Kian fucking Lawley. I'm far from ready for this. He glimpses up at me and I quickly duck my head back down to look at the floor. I can still feel him staring at me, even when the bottle spins.

The bottle spins a few times and people do various dares with one another.

The bottle spins again & lands on me...shit.

"I dare you to kiss the person the bottle lands on next." The previously dared person says, pointing to the bottle on the floor.

" The previously dared person says, pointing to the bottle on the floor

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The bottle spins again and I pray so hard for it to land on Kian. The bottle begins to slow down and it lands on Kian.

The odds are definitely in my favour. He lifts his head and cheekily smiles at me.

 He lifts his head and cheekily smiles at me

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No fucking way is this happening.

He stands up and makes his way over to me from the other side of the room while everyone watches in suspense.

He stands tall behind me and gestures for me to hand up, holding his hand out for me to take it.

I'm so unprepared for this right now. What if my breath smells bad? What if my lipstick goes on his face? What if he doesn't like how I kiss? This is so nerve-racking.

"Hey.." he whispers smoothly with his hands slightly pressing on my hips.

"Hey." I whisper back as I look into his eyes. He's so gorgeous. How the hell is this happening to me?

Before I even realise, he puts both of his hands against my cheeks and goes in for it pressing his lips are against mine.

Fuck. Shit. This is legit happening right now.

To my dismay, the kiss is over as quickly as it disappointing. I could have gone on for so much longer.

He pulls away and looks at me for a second. Everyone 'wooh's as we pull away and he discreetly winks at me before going back to his spot.

As if that just happened. This better not be a dream.

We play for a little longer, the bottle thankfully doesn't land on me anymore than that one time. I wouldn't be lucky enough for it to land on Kian a second time. Not in this lifetime.

I did however manage to speak to the two girls, Devyn and Kat. Devyn lives in the house with her boyfriend and Kat lives a while away but her boyfriend lives here. I have their numbers so we can text and stuff. I guess that's one goal achieved.

I leave the room and tell the two girls that I'll text them tomorrow.

As I'm walking down the hall to go to the stairs, I hear a voice call out after me. It's a voice I know all too well, from countless videos and livestreams.

It was Kian...

"Hey, hold up!" He calls, pulling my back by my wrist.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, trying so hard to keep my cool.

"You didn't even tell me your name...or number." He jokes, stood, towering over me.

"Jamie. My name is Jamie." I inform him, looking at his face, memorising each crease and every little detail.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm Kian."

We exchange numbers and he goes back into the bedroom and I continue to walk down the stairs. I feel unbelievably happy.

Second goal...achieved.

Now I just need to get absolutely drunk out of my face and I'll have completely smashed all the goals we set.

As I'm walking downstairs slowly, unsure of how drunk I actually am, I can hear 'shake it' by metro station playing downstairs.

It's a little old but will forever be an iconic tune. I'm definitely into it.

I get another beer from the table of alcohol and dance into the crowd in the kitchen.

By this point, I'm too drunk to care. I feel like I'm on top of the world. I have my best friends LIVING with me, I have Kian's number and I kissed him. How could it actually get any better?

I dance for a while with Cleo before she goes off somewhere.

After she leaves I just dance with random people around me until Steph comes up to me

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After she leaves I just dance with random people around me until Steph comes up to me. She is very drunk. Good girl.

"We should probably leave once we've rounded the girls up!" Steph suggests, trying to shout over the music. I nod at her indicating that I agree and we both leave the room in search for the others.

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