New X-Men #3 - "Disorientation", Part 3

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Author's Note: This is a series written for the Marvel Omega fan fiction website, and it originally released its first issue in 2009. The first person to write the book, Chris Munn, would establish ideas over New X-Men #1 and #2 before exiting the title. It was with New X-Men #3 that I then took over to conclude his ideas. The ideas presented in the issue that follows are a mixture of the story elements that Munn instigated (such as the involvement of Sinister, the Marauders, and abduction of the students) mixed with ideas of my own (primarily the interactions and traumas the students face). For the sake of understanding, I'll include a previously on portion of the issue so that those reading can understand what continuity they have missed. However, my issues are a decent jumping on point. Also, this series has spanned 2011 (when New X-Men #3 was released) to 2018, with a three year gap in the middle, so the style of writing has changed and, hopefully, improved throughout those years.

Previously: Samuel Guthrie, the superhero known as Cannonball, has resigned from his position as an Avenger to return to the Xavier Institute as a teacher and mentor to the next generation. It was the beginning of the school year when Pandemic, a mad geneticist who'd experimented on the likes of Mimic years previously, attacked the school. The Plague Dogs, minions of Pandemic, abducted fifteen students whilst the X-Men were on a mission. Cannonball, the sole hero at the school, but when Omega Sentinel attacks, the hero is distracted. As students have been abducted, including his brother Icarus, Cannonball must get them back.

Undisclosed Location

It was cold but she was wet.

Laurie Collins had seen a lot. She had spent almost a year living in one of the coldest regions of Alaska, but she had never felt anything so chilling. It was as if she had just come out of a bad case of influenza. The virus that had infected them had clearly gone now. She noticed with a whimper than Joshua Guthrie was gone too. She had hoped and prayed it was just a nightmare but this was what happened to those who followed the X-Men. Its students were often cursed, beaten and killed for the mistakes and choices of their teachers. Laurie was a survivor and this would be no different.

Cautiously she shifted Hope Abbott's arm, which was draped lazily across her leg. Laurie then moved forward, blonde hair cascading from her shoulders and into the nape of her back. Brushing her fringe behind her ear, she listened intently to the all but silent murmurings from behind the thick bricked wall. She was caged, like a criminal. Iron bars ran across the length of the opening in the wall, and were doubly reinforced. Laurie traced them with her hands, peeking through the cracks, until she tripped forward. Her chest was pounded by David Alleyne's elbow - which cradled Noriko Ashida.

He stirred slightly.

Laurie grunted as she pulled herself back onto her feet. Kevin Ford and Cessily Kincaid rounded out the quintet of captured teenagers. One of them was already gone, possibly dead but her memories were hazy at best thanks to the virus. Turning her attention back towards the small opening ahead, Laurie was faced with the frightening grin of one of her captives. Her heart raced but she held her ground, more confidently, she held his gaze. People saw her as weak, but she was determined to fight back - even if she had to do it alone. Laurie had never wished for any of her classmates to be awake so much.

"What do you want?" Her tone was blunt and demanding.

He stifled a chuckle. "I want nothing. You all mean nothing to me. I'm just part of the bigger picture, and I need you to ascend."

"Killing" Joshua was at the forefront of her mind. "Killing seven teenagers isn't going to suddenly help you ascend to godhood. Especially not where we come from, you're going to have the X-Men after you in full force."

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