New X-Men #8 - "Thralls of the Tyrant", Part 1

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Author's Note: So, this is where I believe the series has improved. This issue was set immediately after the Christmas break of the 2014 Annual was over but it was written four years later, in 2018. I can't imagine a starker contrast between the writing styles I've had over those years and, should this series continue, I promise that it will be much more enjoyable from here on out. I believe there's a stronger grasp of who the characters are and the tone this series should follow from this issue onwards.




Sam greeted them heartily, even if the weight of the world seemed to rest across his broad corn-fed shoulders. The All-American, one-time X-Man and Avenger, had been coming to terms with not only his new vocation as a teacher but also with the helplessness he felt in the search for his abducted brother, Joshua.

"As many of you will have been made aware since returning from the Christmas break, there was an incident with one of your classmates and fellow trainees," continued their personal tutor. His distinctive southern twang seemed fuller after the holiday period, spent at his home in Kentucky. "As such, Noriko will not be returning to the team for the foreseeable future. David has also elected not to return from Chicago for the time being." There was a trepidation to his words and he noticed the sheepishness of the lupine student. "In lieu of that, I'd like to introduce you to the two newest additions of the Xavier Trainee Initiative." He allowed a momentary smile. "Although, I know you're calling yourselves the New X-Men."

He ushered forward the two students that had been stood slightly behind him.

"This is my little sister, Melody Guthrie, and her boyfriend, Dallas Gibson," he said, aware that his phrasing seemed to carry a layer of nepotism. "Aero and Specter, respectively. They'll be working alongside you from this point onwards."

Dallas waved, his mop of blond hair threatening to fall over his eyes with every movement, as Melody clung to his arm. Her long tawny hair was drawn to the side in a neat fishtail braid. Both, like all the others around them, were attired in sweatpants. In lieu of the uniforms of the senior X-Men squads, each an interpretation of their own personality, the trainees wore simple gym gear that would allow them the manoeuvrability of combat and defence in the Danger Room. There was a look of nervous anticipation on each of their faces. It would be their first time working as a unit and, true to form, the line-up had already gone through changes. Rosters amongst the X-Men had always been swift in changing.

Laurie was feeling that more than some of the others. Sweet and girlish on the surface, there was a sense of loneliness inside of her that she continued to struggle with. It was important for her, more so than anybody else, to maintain a calm mindset as being swallowed by her overwhelming emotions would make her a threat to everyone around her. The ability to manipulate emotions through pheromones wasn't an uncommon gift but it was a power that required discipline. At times, it was a discipline that Laurie felt she was incapable of acquiring.

Since Sean Garrison had taken her aside, Laurie had worked harder to become controlled. Joshua, Noriko and David were slowly becoming minor figures in the back of her mind. The others, those former self-named Hellions who had left long ago, no longer existed to her. Julian, Josh and Sofia had abandoned her in favour of their own needs and desires and she continued to struggle with their absence daily but she couldn't hold on to her sorrow if she wanted to move forward with her life.

Over her shoulder, Laurie could hear the giddy whisperings of Megan and Victor. Clearly the new arrivals had given them something to discuss, as irritating as it was when she was trying to focus on Sam. The lupine Nicholas hung back from them, solemnly leaning against the control panels of the circular room. Santo, more subdued than he normally was, had been a bit of comfort to her in the recent days. His boisterousness seemed to have dispersed in his mission to remake the genuine connections that had once made the institute a home to him. Cessily was less interested in rebuilding those bridges, she had become something of an overachiever. She was determined to be an X-Man and those that stood around her appeared to be little more than obstacles when it came to achieving that goal.

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