(1) I'm not gay

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so this this means thought 's 

(Tony's PROV)

Today it the first day of  school and I hate it already  I met a few friends today Clint Natasha Thor and his asshole brother Loki  

So the normal teacher is on vacation and we have a substitute named Steve Rogers and I hate him even if I have not met him yet

(Steve's PROV)

The bell rang and all the students came in the class room and one caught my eye he had brown hair and dark brown eyes he gave me a ( I hate every thing look) and I began teaching and he was not paying  attention to what I was saying. STARK he looked up "what do you want" pay attention stark. 

(Tony's PROV) 

Sheesh I hate him (bell rings) I go to get up but mr Rogers stops me "you are staying here tell math class got it stark" got it mr Rogers "good" so I had to be thare for like I don't know 5hs or some thing? But mr Rogers was putting stuff up on the board I was staring at his bubble butt then he turned a round "ok did you put this down in your book?" Umm yes I did me rog- "  call me Steve" he said. Ok Steve so can I go now?? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I gave him my best puppy eyes"ugh ok but you better do your home work" yes mr rog- I mean Steve.

(Steve's PROV)

"That Kid is something else eh?" Ya you said it Bucky he is something else " I saw you looking at his butt Rogers" *blushs a pink shade* eww no I was not that is wrong Bucky "why are you blushing then hm?" Fuck off Bucky and I have to go to his house to help him with history ' that sounds romantic" Bucky stop just stop. *leaves to Tony's house* Bucky maybe right I might like tony but I don't know him that much I pull up in his driveway and get out of my mustang and head to the door I push the doorbell 

(Tony's PROV )

I hear my door bell ring and I tell Jarvis to open the door when he dose I go and see who it is "hey are you ready to study" yup "really"  kinda "serious" ya no his shirt tuged in all the right places so did his jeans his bubble butt poped. "Ok do you have your history books?" Ya ok come with me "ok" we go to the living room to study " nice house" thanks.

Time skip+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+

(Tony's prov)

After a bit I got sleepy. And as I was turning my head to tell Steve that I was going to take a nap he turned his head and we kissed. OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY STE- I got cut off by Steve kissing me again and I kissed back. Why did you kiss me " becuse I love you" I-I-I love you to Steve do you think we can study again tomorrow? " ya I think I have time but I have to go I will see you tomorrow ok?" Ok bye Steve.

(Nattie's PRVO)

(I can put my self I here)

*back at school* Elsa I bet 20 bucks that tony and mr Rogers will date "and I bet 20 that mr Rogers and Bucky will date" Elsa we all know that tony and Steve are going to date " but you never know nat" ok your right "I'm allways right" no you are not "are to" are not " are to" are not ok I'm done "hahaha see you later nat bye" bye Elsa 

(Elsa's PRVO) 

I hope I win this bet so bad stucky 4 life 

I hope you guys liked this first chapter I will be adding some of you guys so comment your name and I will pick 5 of you chow - nat

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