Is this true?! 2(12)

43 0 0

(Peter's prov)

 'Sir you are pregnant' WHAT?!?! 'Yes indeed sir I have informed mr stark and mr Rogers' NONONOnononononononono on "um Peter can we talk to you?" Oh dear god what could go wrong now um ya come in pops "Peter Jarvis just told us that your pregnant is this true?" Umm I don't know well you see after I was at wad- "OH HELL NO NONONONONONONONONONONO" dad what's wrong "THIS BABY IS GOING TO LOOK FUCKED UP" "TONY!" D-dad I'm sorry "OH FUCK THIS IM OUT" "Anthony Edward stark if you walk out that door I will tie you to the bed" "oooo I should just walk out you kinky Steve" *steve turns pink* "tony stop Peter I'm sorry you had to hear that" it's ok I have heard worse.

(Wades PROV)

 My dick my dick is you tripping on whores sipping cum my dick my dick is yours 

{sing it wade!!}

[make it stooooooppppp]

{so like should we tell Peter that we did not use a condom}

[hell no he will be fine]

Are you two sure about that?

{fuck yah} 

[he will live]

Ok so we should go over to his house today and be a creep 

{sounds like a plan}


 Tome skip----------------

Still wade

I get to his house and I see mr stark walk out of the house "ok Steve you said you would tie me up so tie me up little kinky shit" oh shit I will if mr Rogers dose not "oh hi wade" hey is Peter here? "Yah he has some thing to tell you wade" ok 

Up in peters room 

(Peter's PROV)

*door opens* wade what are you doing here? "Your fathers tell me that you have something to say?" Shit shit shit um yah well I'm pregnant with your kid  ".........." Wade? "That's amazing babyboy!!"  I love you wade " I love you too.

The next day----------

(Tony's PROV)

So today Peter and wade are staying home while I'm at school and now I'm heading into this hell hole "hey hot stuff" fuck off Clint "aww is some on having a rough day?" Leave me alone Clint "it's ok pretty boy" stop Clint "and why should I do that?!" STOP!!! "Shut up or else" "let him go Barton" "oh and why mr Rogers?" "I will have the hole school know that your gay" "you would dare" "oh I would" "if you do I will be kicked off the football team!!" "Then leave Anthony alone" "whatever"  *clint walks down the hall to class* thanks Steve "no problem tony" I hope I pass that test "yah I made it extremely hard to do" great 

Meanwhile at home

(Wade's PROV)

"Babe" yah "I think we should get rid of the baby" what why? "I don't know my dad was not happy" oh well I hope thr readers want you to keep the baby "who are you talking about??"  No one "ok love you Wade" love you to pumpkin *peter falls asleep* hey you yes I'm talking to you the reader if you don't like my baby boy being pregnant you need to talk to nattie chan (hey why are you dragging me into this!?!?!) you did this to your self asshole!! (Whatever wade I swear if you-) I know I won't tell people that tony kicks him out (GOD DAMM IT WADE) sorry (ok are you done wade so I can get back to work) yup

(Tony's prov)

Ugh I hate this I have to sit in front of Clint "ok class you have one hour to finish this test good luck" God damm it I did not study alot because of the hole my son is pregnant wo ho

One hour later.............................

Still tony

"Ok now I will take your sheets and Look them over" "so like what happens if we fail?" Clint are you that stupid your grads drop dumbass  "cock it handsome" shut up you wish "I wish what gay lord?!" Oh so you want to go thare huh "Stark Barton stop it" sorry mr Rogers "yah whatever" "I will be back to tell you what your grade came out as" *class YES MR ROGERS!!* "ok good" *steve leaves the class room* so pretty boy what do you think you got?" Some thing better than you *steve walks back in the class room* "ok if I call your name please come up"

Miss Romanov "ad least I got a good grade"

Mr Barton "fuck I got an f"

Miss um how do you say this shithead? "It's shitheed!!"

Mr Dawson "I hate my life"

Mr graceffa "aw thank you"

Mr Charles "this is a sister scandal"

Miss Jordan "Ewww I hate this"

Miss sholler "I can't do life!!"

Mr iplier "I love you"

Mr septiceye " GIVE ME A HELL YAHHHHHHHHHHH" *the class says together* "HELL YAHHHHH"

Mr pew? "Yup that's me your BOI Pewdiepie"

Mr stark "I hope I pass"

Little Miss Jordan "woof woof" (I can't do homework I just eat it🐶)

Last but not least Tyrone "ok thanks"

Ok so here are the squad names you can comment/ DM only on Instagram if you want to be in the book and squad

The Sister scandals: James Shane Jeffry tony Natasha Loki Elsa nattie(leader James)

Team tube: pewds jack and mark(leader mark)

Team robo bitch: Clint Bruce Thor(leader Clint)

The Twisted minds peter(q) nebula (leader nebula)

Bomb squad: Luna amarah vison Michelle Wanda(leader Luna)

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