Oh here we go again (14)

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Life has been ok to me but I regret not telling him I'm dying slowly and he doesn't know I have to tell him he will be upset and so will my kid

(Tony's PROV) 

Hey Steve!!!! "Yah?!?!?!" Come here please "coming!!!" Babe does this make me look fat? "No Tony why would you think that?!" Clint said I need to lose weight or you will dump me "hold on one second honey" "CLINT YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!!" "Wait Steve I didn't mean what I said to tony AHHHH NO NO PUT ME DOWN NATASHA!!!!!" Oh my gosh Steve baby put him down "NO" ok that's fine "NATASHA HELP!!!!!" "Clint sweetheart what did you do?!?!" "I called tony fat" "well Steve and tony have a right to be mad at you bye I'm going to go shoot some stuff"  "NO NAT HELP ME!!!"

(Peter's PROV) 

Wow this baby is growing fast "yah and it is going to look cute like me" wade how long were you standing there? "Long enough to know that my baby is hot as hell" wade stop lets go talk with my dad's about a doctors appointment "ok" *now down stairs* hey dad pops?! "yah!!!!" We need to talk to you both "ok" "what's wrong Peter" so will you guys go with me to the doctor appointment for my baby? "Yes I will Peter" "does wade have to come" "TONY!!!" Yes dad wade has to come because he is the father to my child "ok wade" "yes?" "Will you take care of are son when we die?" "Yes I will mr stark I will" " thank you" "no problem" so back to my baby I have made the appointment for tomorrow and will you both be able to make it? "Yah but pepper is coming over to give me more paper work but I will call her off" "and Bucky was going to tony don't give me that face!! But he was going to come over I will tell him we are busy" thanks guys love you all

(?????'s PROV)

I have been in prison for 6 years I'm coming back for him I'm coming back for you I will have you back locked up in my house I will get you back!!!!!

Hey y'all I'm so sorry that this is short I hope I can get more done see you guys soon love y'all chow

A Stony love storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن