Zoe Murphy and the Heart Breakers

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(#nonspons from Dairy Queen oml

Plot holes? In my fanfiction?? Yeah. That's what you get for writing the first chapter four months ago and not re-reading it before continuing. Id say I'm embarrassed, but writing fanfiction is already embarrassing.)

The Dairy Queen in Webster was bare. I liked it that way, I like this.

"You know, I hated him at first," Evan started to say. He blushed and, tugged at the collar of his shirt, the one that we'd thrifted. "He always scared me, and I resented him because he hurt you." He's my number one fan, always has  been. I'm so thankful for him.

"That's sweet," I said. "I love that you just immediately resent anyone that's mean to me," he smiled.

"I'm like a guard dog!" He let go of his collar (I'm glad he's calming down) and made claw with is hand. "Bark," he said sarcastically.

"A guard puppy," I added. "Like a Shitzu or something."

"We're getting distracted, but I'll have you know that I'm definitely a big, white Samoyed." He stated, with pseudo-seriousness.

"I agree with that statement. Continue."

He spoke of Connor's obvious interest in him, which surprised me because Evan is never one to think of himself as the target of affection. He is, but still.

"He totally likes you, but what makes you think so? Besides the kissing, I mean." I like answers.

"Because.. well, ah..." he stumbled. I can see the gears moving in his brain, I know he's now worried that he sounds narcissistic.

"I know your not conceited," I said. His shoulders relaxed.

"Thank you," he sighed with relief. "Because he asked me to come to your house an extra day. I know people don't bring people they hate to their houses."

"Especially houses without parents or sisters to interrupt." His eyes widened, making me think he's been hiding something from me.

"It's funny, because he was totally occupied when I came," he giggled.

"Yeah, what was that all about?" I did too. "The whole red hair thing. He looks like a rockstar," I suggested. "More than usual, I guess."

"Yeah," Evan agreed. "God, and we kind of match now too," he looked embarrassed. Because he'd tried to get his out and that his hair was blond, it was a hit more faded. I'd promised him it'd be out by Monday.

"It's kind of cute?" I said questioningly, because I wasn't actually sure what to think. He probably felt the same way. Eva. nodded, and I let him change the subject.

"He liked yours from earlier." Meaning, earlier this year.
I felt warm. My brother actively paying attention to something I did, and wanting to emulate it? What has this world come to? Whatever it is, I support it.

He sighed, "I really want a chocolate. Like so bad. Like pregnant lady cravings bad," I could practically see the complete admiration for ice cream in his eyes. He talked about the chocolate like it was John Travolta, and he was Sandy. Alas, I didn't want him to Tell me More, I wanted an explanation for his damn hair.

I snickered, "Don't change the subject, slick. I still want to know how you got that mess," I pointed the cap hiding the pink splotches. His shoulders tensed, it was almost cartoon-like.

fumblings and mumblings //. DEHWhere stories live. Discover now